church building dedication invitation letter

Looking for church building dedication invitation letter in PDF that you can download and start using it or sending to the recipient to invite them for the occasion.

We have a database of letters whereby the one you are looking for is one of them. We understand maybe you are here because you are looking for a sample so that you can mirror one or looking for information that can help you write one.

We get you very clearly and that why we have good news for you. You don't need to struggle doing that on your own, we have experts who understand and have availed the letters for you to download and make them available to the recipients.

Right now you might be asking yourself why all these and yet what you need is a church building dedication invitation letter to download and starting using it.

Don't worry your letter is available below here. What you need to do is  is to click on this link and you will be taken to a page where you will be able to download it and customize to fit the way you wanted it to be.

Click this link right now and you will be taken to a page where we have a database of letters and you will find church building dedication invitation letter is one of them for you to download.

church building dedication invitation letter

We availed the downloadable letters that are customize-able because many visitors don't have time and want something that is ready so that they can use.

You might be asking also, how do the letters look like so that I can make a choice to download it.

Below here is an excerpt of the material that you are looking, just have an introductory part of it.


Receive warm greetings from our church!

I wanted to take this precious moment on behalf of our church to extend this invitation to you to join us as we dedicate the church building this coming Sunday ____( insert the day here).

Your presence and prayers is highly appreciated as we ask God to bless this special day in our church.

>>>To download the full letter, click this link and you will be taken to a page where you will be able to download your favorite letter and be able to send it to the recipients.

church building dedication invitation letter

We are appreciate for visiting our site and hope you have been helped and we look forward you coming again for more materials. We are at your service always.

God bless you

church building dedication invitation letter

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