church welcome speech

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Church welcome speech

welcome opening greetings for church anniversary that will help you start a church welcome speech.

Remember to always pray for the Holy Spirit guidance because that is the command for the Lord Jesus Christ.

Start with some kind of Acknowledgement ......

  1. If you are here for the first time,we are glad you joined us for the worship of today....
  2. We want to give a special welcome to our first time visitors feel at the presence of Jesus and we love you very much.....
  3. Let me take this opportunity to welcome our new visitors who are joining us for the first time in our church this special day......
  4. Regular church members let us take this opportunity to welcome new members who are joining our worship our today and we extend warm welcome to all of you......
  5. Let me greet you in the name of Jesus,happy anniversary church.
  6. What a joy we have to meet again this year as we celebrate this anniversary in our church. Praise God for that church
  7. Morning saints, we are here for one purpose just to thank our savior for His goodness in our lives as church members. praise God

As you prepare to give a welcome greeting to the church prepare for the guidance of the Holy Spirit and ask the Lord to give you the right words to speak to whole church and especially the new members who are joining your service for the first time.

Let them feel that you love them and care about them.

church welcome speech

Church welcome speech

check the church welcome speech below here

short church welcome speech  

more of the church welcome speech

Our church pastor, the first lady of our church ,visitors who have come to worship with us and my fellow church members.

I greet you in Jesus names.

Let me take these precious moments that the Lord Jesus has given to welcome you all in a special way to our worship day.

Thank you for finding time to come and fellowship during this day.

We have lined us faith filled programs this day and we thank God for the gift of life. As we worship together .it is my sincere prayer that God may be with you and be blessed always.

We are grateful to our Lord for giving us this chance to come together so that can fellowship, because of His love and the gift of life , we can be able to praise and glorify Him.

Welcome all of you here

Here is another church welcome speech

Good morning church!

Glory and honor to God for allowing us to be here today.

I believe that through the whole week the love of God has kept you well, and now we have gathered here with one accord to worship and praise Jesus who is our Lord.

For sure if it was not the grace of our God then many of us would not have made it this far.

We count everything as a loss for the sake of preaching this message of hope to everyone around us so that together we can hasten the second coming of Jesus.

We all know that the sign of Jesus coming is the preaching of the gospel as we read in the book of Mathew.

Therefore as I take this opportunity to welcome you all to our church. It just a reminder that we all participate in the preaching of this gospel.

Let us always remember to share this good news to others who we are close with and some we happen to meet wherever we go.

It is a gospel that the whole world needs more so this time when end signs have shown.

We thank God for the redemption through Christ and is the reason we are here today.

In the midst we have many visitors who are joining us for the first time and want to take this chance to welcome you in a special way. Feel at Jesus feet always and know that God loves us very much.

We extend a special invitation to you that you make this church your home where you worship the Lord always and receive blessings.

We love visitors and you can see how many of us are happy to have you today here. There is no any other church that loves visitors more than us.


 More church welcome speech

welcome speech for church

Church welcome speech

church welcome speech

Receive Calvary greetings this morning,

I feel privileged and humbled too through the mercies of our Lord Jesus to stand before you this beautiful morning before we start our normal services as I welcome each and every one of you.

I thank all of you including the visitors who are present with us and even if it's your first time , we humbly welcome you to feel at Jesus feet and ask you to fellowship with us regularly since we love visitors and welcome you to be part of us.

Our church is growing and want to ask church members to keep praying as the Lord is really blessing us in the mighty way.

Today we privileged to have our church pastor speaking to us and I know all of us are happy to listen to the word of God that heaven is delivering to us through him.

This church welcome speech should be different than the one you had before.

Our serving pastor and the first lady, the invited ministers and pastors present, invited guests who have come from far and wide, my fellow church members, ladies and gentlemen.

I greet you in the name of Jesus Christ?

What a wonderful day that the Lord has given. We give honor as a church.

I want to take this opportunity to extend a warm welcome to each and every one of you who have found time to come and celebrate with us.

Briefly if you can have a look around you can see the marvelous work that the Lord has done to us and we want to thank Him so much as a church.

Nobody knew that the grace of God shall enable us to grow in reap and bound to reach where we have today. It simply through the mercies accorded to us through Jesus that we are able to say thank you to our loving God.

We can all say that. We can do all things through Christ who gives us strength.

We are marking a milestone that is happening today here. We have counted one day a time till today. As we celebrate together. We can all say with God all things are possible.

All the activities of today reflect the love of Christ and at the end of the day we can all say we have a reason to smile because the Lord is with us.

With our Pastor leading and giving guidance. Things have unfolded one at a time up to where we are today.

Pastor let me say thank you for allowing the Lord to use you.

Now, my fellow worshipers as you can have a look at the bulletin you can see that we have lined many things during this day. That is why don’t want to waste much of your time and what I can only say is that may the good Lord be with us always

a brief welcome address in a church

Here is  a brief welcome address in a church to help you welcome church members and visitors to the service of the day.

The church pastor and the first lady in the church, thank you for allowing me to make this introductory marks and welcome each of you to our service today. when my eyes moves up and down among the congregation.

I can identify many people whom i know by names but because of time. I can only mention you know and extend the love to you to feel welcome to our programs.

My fellow church members and the invited guests who have come for the first time or the second time to our services feel welcome and always come to our service because we love visitors.

I want to say that our loving Lord has a special message today and we are going enjoy the word of God and our lives will never be the same again. welcome and may the good Lord be with you always. thank you.

church welcome speech

Church welcome speech

church welcome speech

Blessed church I greet you all through the night name of Jesus 

How are you this morning 

Welcome to our church service, I want to take this opportunity to thank our heavenly Father for making it possible for us to gather here this morning as we fellowship together and share the love of God that we have been given through Jesus Christ.

I want to thank the almighty for guiding us this far and for giving us freely His wonderful grace.

We are very much privileged to have guests and visitors in our midst who have come to fellowship with us. Church members I want to ask you in a special way to welcome a visitor who is sitted closer to you and make him or her to feel the love of our Lord Jesus and we sit together at the feet of Jesus during this service and learn of Him.

church introductory speech

I greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus! Good morning...

what a joy to stand before you through the grace of our Lord Jesus who died and forgave our sins. It is a day that we have been given by our heavenly Father to be here as we fellowship together.

It is a great honor to be and we want to thank God for this provision. As we begin the programs of the day, we want to thank God for everything.

I welcome each and every one of you to feel at Jesus feet and know that the love of God is sufficient. If this is your firs time to be in this Jesus,just feel welcome and as a church we appreciate for your coming, we ask you to make this church your home church because we love visitors and love adore you very much.

Let us enjoy at the feet of Jesus who is the author and finisher of our Faith, it is in Jesus Christ that our good Lord has bestowed the salvation that we all need, anyone who want to be saved must pass through the way that God has given and that is in Jesus Christ.

As we come together for the fellowship, I pray that we fix our eyes on Jesus and Jesus alone who is the gift that God has given us.

Otherwise we invite for the Holy spirit to take control of the activities and bless us abundantly.May our good Lord be with us always through His love.

church welcome speech

We hope you have downloaded the above speech to use during the upcoming church occasion.

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