pastor anniversary occasion speech sample

Looking for a pastor anniversary occasion speech sample? Here is one that you can copy and use during the occasion.

I presume this is your first time that you have been tasked or requested to do an occasion during the pastor anniversary in church.

So far you are worried what to do next..

Don't be anxious, below here are samples for each anniversary that can help you as you prepare for the occasion in church.

Pastor's welcome speech on 8th anniversary

Here is the Pastor's welcome speech on 8th anniversary sample to have a look at:

Ladies and gentlemen, let me take this opportunity to thank our Lord who is heaven for the wonderful mercies that is renewed each morning.

Let me also thank every one of you for finding time to come and attend this special occasion in church as we mark 8 years of service of our pastor to our church.

Being here we have seen the grace of God upon us and have grown from height to height.

Let me welcome specially and may the love of God be seen to do.

Congratulations for the upcoming pastor anniversary in your church.

From here we want to wish you success from the Lord and may the love of God be with you.

Thank you for visiting our page for sample speech.

Below is an example of a speech for the pastor anniversary that you can use during the occasion in the church.

pastor anniversary occasion speech sample

Our pastor

Invited guests

My fellow Church members

Let greet you in the name of Jesus Christ our savior.


It is a beautiful morning that the Lord has given us

Today as we celebrate this occasion

We want to remember what great love the Lord has for us

We can all witness and say thank you God for this day


As I welcome each and every one of you to this occasion

I want to reflect back and count the years that have passed

Since our pastor joined us

We have been blessed with his presence and I can say

Our Lord is a wonderful Lord

He has the best interest of us in His heart always


He Has told us in the book of Jeremiah twenty

Nine verse eleven that He Has great plan for us

And I can say that one of the plan that the Lord

Has for this journey was to send pastor

And put him in our church


Through what the Lord has revealed to him

We can see how the church has grown and many things

Have taken place simply because this church is called by the name

Of the Lord

We can all witness the love of God

From through this church

Praise God


Let me thank you once again for coming

To celebrate with us this wonderful day and we pray to God

That His blessings can always follow you

Whenever you will be

We always welcome you because you are now part of us

Thank you for coming and may we praise the Lord


In the book of psalms chapter one hundred and thirty three

the word of God says it is good for us to be together always

thank you and welcome as we celebrate together.ant to remembering that the Lord has he occasion. of men.

 which is tradition to us.

us not to recognize

pastor anniversary occasion speech sample

Praise God Church, thank you my fellow members. I am happy for the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ that has enables us to be here this morning (evening). A warm welcome for all of you as we come in pray and worship. Today is a great day for us because many of us hoped to see this day but they never managed. We praise God for the wonderful provision he has granted us and we stand by the promise in the book of Philippians chapter four and verse six that is profound to each of us. God has told us to remain thankful and in prayer. Let us begin by reciting the ' thank you Lord prayer'

More of the pastor anniversary occasion speech sample

written examples occasion pastors anniversary

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