100th church anniversary poems

Here are the 100th church anniversary poems

We believe you are in this page because you need help.

You have been asked by the church or your pastor to prepare a poem as you celebrate the 100 years in the church.

We welcome you to our page and promise that we are going to help you.

We have prepared for you sample poems that can be of great help during the occasion.

You can pick them and use as they are or just get inspired and write one from the scratch.

If you will find it difficult to write one, then don't get worried on  what to do but just contact us and we shall help you to write one from scratch.

Meanwhile below are the examples of poem for the 100 years of celebration for your church.

The church as the bride for Christ;

Thank you God
Thank you for giving me a wonderful husband
Thank you for the wisdom
Thank you for the guidance

Thank you God for the gift of life
Thank you for the inspiration
As I wake in the morning
I will thank you for everything
You are the source of everything in my life

Thank you God for making me
A helper of my husband
Thank you for giving me patience
Thank you God
I appreciate a lot for what you are doing to me

I love this poem because it is a fulfilled prophecy in Jesus Christ. Those who believe in Him will always enjoy the eternal life that Jesus promised that will be through Him.

Take the poem and dedicate it to your pastor's wife and let her know how you value her and the support she is giving your pastor.

She is the pillar to your pastor and as she celebrate her birthday. Let this poem flow down in her soul so that she can look at Christ as the only way,truth and life that we have.

Without Jesus Christ we are nothing.

I know there are several other poems that you can dedicate but I love this one because of the true rest that we find in Jesus.

100th church anniversary poems

We have gathered here today to celebrate 100 years

Years of service to the community

We praise and thank our loving God

He raised us up to proclaim the word


If those who founded this vision would wake today from their sleep

They will thank the Lord for what they did

We have really expanded and moved from

One glory to another


It is because of the love of God

We are sure that the Lord will guide us always

He want to us to preach the gospel to all four corner

Of the world before the end comes


We believe that Jesus is coming soon

And as a church we trust and believe that

The good work that the Lord started in us

Will bring to an end when Jesus comes soon


Therefore as we share this great love that as put

As together here today

We can only say that it is God that we have seen

His hand at work

The blessings are overflowing to us as a church

It is our prayers that we continue seeking his will in us

So that another 100 years from now our children and many

Generations coming will celebrate what we are laying down


You can also visit church anniversary poems for general poems for the occasion.

100th church anniversary poems

Other 100th church anniversary poems related articles

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