Chupaguide training Institute

chupaguide training Institute is our training resource that guide and gives step by step on how to write an occasion material from scratch, this is a compliment to the resource and downloads we give here in our guide.

We came up with this training part after many made a request that a part from getting ready to use materials for an occasion, there are those who want actual guidance on how to  write one from scratch that is from the beginning till they can have a ready to use material.

This section is for you and we have made it a training Institute so you can learn on how to go about it and with time you can be an expert in doing it.

This will help because occasions are  year round and you are sure that next year the same occasion will be there waiting for you.

We also have secretaries in the church who are tasked by the church to write regular letters, we also train them on how to write various letters to addresses a need in church.

Chupaguide training Institute

You can scroll down and be able to enroll for a course that can run for a week to 6 months depending on the urgency of the matter or your seriousness to the mastery.

This training comes as a package and once you download can be about to follow the training at your own pace so that can be able to write a material from scratch.

But if you only interested for a resource or download  you can find various sections in our site here.

All the sections are in PDF format that can easily click and be able to read at the comfort of your sit.

Most popular courses in our Training

 Below you can  be able to click on the link and will be directed to a section whereby can download the course in order to study and create a material in your own.

All the guide are self studies but easy to follow, there is minimum supervision and you need self discipline to be able to follow to the end.

The world we are today is home study and every thing now is moving to digital space, that is why with a will power in this era, you can be able to lean anything at your finger tips.

Chupaguide training Institute

chupaguide training Institute

At the end of the self learning period which can be harnessed by your availability but the period you take is up to you.

Finally you will be able to write any material from scratch whether it is a speech, a letter and such.

Chupaguide training Institute

Training sections below that you can click and enroll.

  • how to be a good master of ceremony in church event
  • how to mc a church program
  • how to mc men's day in the church
  • how to moderate a church program
  • how to start a church speech
  • how to welcome visitors to your church
  • how to write and deliver church speech

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