Church Welcome Speech Sample

Looking for Church Welcome Speech Sample and very powerful church welcome speeches inspired by the Holy Spirit.

We presume this is your first time you have been asked or requested by your church pastor or those in charge of departmental to do a welcome speech in church.

So far you are nervous and don't know what to do.

Don't worry ,we have a downloadable welcome speech that is ready to use

Pay Only $9.75 and you will get the page that you can download the speech


We know and understand how nervous one can be when you are asked or requested to do a welcome in church.

We are here for you and want to make sure you are ready for the occasion or the church service.

Church Welcome Speech Sample

Below also are Church Welcome Speech Sample  we have prepared for you to assist as you write yours.

Just an inspiration

Once you have the above downloadable speech that is customized and can be used in church welcome that you want to do.

We have highlighted some of the samples that you can use to share the above welcome speech.

Look at them below here

A welcome remark to the preacher

The children of the most high,I greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus, good morning, Hope you had a fantastic week and let me welcome you to today service, before us a special guest who is going to speak to us today. Let me see by show of hands how many are going welcoming our speaker to bring to us the bread of heaven.

Brother John loves the Lord and God has used him in several occasions to share the word of God. As a church we are very much happy to have today in our church has he speaks to

Church Welcome Speech Sample

Here is a Church Welcome Speech Sample sample to have a look at. You can customize to make it fit your church setting.

Here is what you need to have in mind when giving welcome speech to your church ,having it in mind that this is also a church family friends day welcome day.

Three essential welcoming speech part

acknowledge all those in attendance

give them an introduction of what brought them to that day and also take the opportunity to share with them your beliefs and what the church stands for.

Church Welcome Speech Sample

A welcome speech

Church Welcome Speech Sample

Church Welcome Speech Sample

Here is a sample speech that you can use to welcome church members and guests to a service...........


I greet you this morning. How are you doing?

Welcome to our wonderful service and hope and trust that the Lord has kept you in perfect peace since you left here during which we were all blessed

Allow me to thank our heavenly Father for His goodness and mercies. It's through His grace that we are able to fellowship together today

We thank Him for the gift of life that He has given us in Jesus Christ.

We are also grateful for the spiritual blessings that are in Jesus Christ including that He chose us from the foundation of the word, redeemed us in Jesus Christ and sealed us with the Holy Spirit and that is why we are rejoicing in our hearts today.

Let us praise God always for His wonders always. As we begin the programs of the day may the Lord of God be with us all through as we aim to know more about Jesus Christ

Church Welcome Speech Sample

words of welcome for church visitors

Sometimes you need words that you can use when you want to welcome visitors to your service, we are here to supply what you are looking for,  getting good words that you can use to welcome in church means a lot .

Church Welcome Speech Sample

Church Welcome Speech Sample

Let me take this precious moment to welcome each and every one of you to our service today, feel at Jesus feet and let us all be blessed.

Church Welcome Speech Sample

church welcome speeches for kids

I greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus,

Am very happy to stand before you as a child of God,my mum and dad always tells me to be confidence and that is why am confident today.

I therefore welcome each and every one of you to our day today as we share the love of God to you as children

Church Welcome Speech Sample

welcome speech of church delegates

Here is a draft welcome speech of church delegates.

Brethren in Christ I greet you in Jesus name,

Welcome to our annual meeting for the church,

We want to thank God for this chance given to gather here today as we deliberate issues for our church.


Church Welcome Speech Sample for ordination

I greet you through the mighty name of Jesus. 

I'm humbled to welcome each one of you have come to witness this occasion when am being ordained to pastoral work .

It has been a long journey but thank God for the far that He has brought me, all I can say is glory to Him for the goodness.

I know that He will give me strength to the work that He has bestowed upon my shoulders above all I ask you to continue praying for me so that our loving God can fill me with knowledge and wisdom to overcome obstacles and challenges that the devil will place on the way.

church ordination welcome address sample

Ladies and gentlemen in the Lord,

I greet you though Jesus Christ, How are you?

Feel welcome to this special occasion in our church as we set a part this sanctuary of the Lord,

We want to pray to our God that as we start using this new temple of the Lord,may the Love of God be with us always and the blessings of the Lord be with each one of you who come to worship the Lord here.

welcoming visitors at church speech

Here is another sample which shows how to give welcome speeches church visitors that you will find here and thereafter.

Church Welcome Speech Sample

An Introduction speech in church

If this is your first time in church and have been asked to introduce yourself. Here is a speech that you can use..

I greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus!

With due respect, let me take this precious moments that the church has granted to me thank our Lord for the wonderful love given to us. It is a great honor to be welcomed in this church and I'm very happy to be in your midst as we worship together.

Thank you everyone for the warm welcome an I want to pray to our Father who is in heaven that may His will be revealed. I can see you are a wonderful congregation and may the good Lord keep you at perfect peace always as you welcome visitors

Church Welcome Speech Sample

 church fellowship opening speech

Here is an opening speech in the church fellowship of the Church Welcome Speech Sample

Our church pastor and fellow church members,I greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ,

Let me take this opportunity to welcome you all for today fellowship,

We want to thank God for keeping us safe this far, as we listen His word today,May the Holy spirit speak to us today,

Church Welcome Speech Sample for church fellowship

A speech for bible school lecturers

Here is a speech for bible school lecturers used to welcome bible students for classes.

Ladies and gentlemen, I greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus! How are you.

It is a great honor having you here today as we start this bible classes, let us thank our Lord for He is able to help us all through,

The work a head of us is huge but we know through the grace of God shall accomplish it.

Let me welcome you in a special way and feel at Jesus feet as we learn of Him.

Church Welcome Speech Sample

welcome speech to students pastors

Here is the welcome speech to students pastors that you can use during the occasion.

Brethren in Christ, I greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus.

With due respect, let me take this chance to thank our Lord who is heaven for allowing us to be here. It is a great privilege to travel from far and wide to come as children of God to this training center as get sharpened and be ready for our calls.

Just know that it is God who has called you and the work that He started in you shall bring it to pass, always trust Him to guide you in all that you do during your stay in this center.

We have qualified ministers whom God has sent us here who will be your instructors and they will guide you as you train in this ministry.

We want to also thank the Holy Spirit whom God has poured in our midst shall guide and help us in our weaknesses.

words to welcome all people in church

Here are the words to welcome all people in church:

Brethren in Christ, with due respect allow me to take this opportunity to thank the Lord for allowing us to congregate here during the worship our, what a joy in our heart to find time to come and fellowship together.

welcome speech to new members in a christian fellowship

I greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus!

Good morning

It is with great joy to stand before you at this time to first thank our God who is in heaven and also thank you all for coming to fellowship with us.

I feel honored to present to you our brothers and sisters who have made the decision to join us so that we can be one thing as Jesus our Lord is with the Father, it was the prayer of Jesus that He prayed 2000 years ago that is binding us each day with love from the Lord.

welcoming speech on behalf of a church organisation

Brethren in Christ, I greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus,peace be upon you.

It is a great honor to stand here on behalf of the church organization to welcome you to the service today.

We are very happy to see each and every one of you coming to fellowship with us. We want to thank the Lord for enabling us to be here.

From the book of Psalms 133:1 the bible says how good it is for brethren to stay together being happy. It is through such fellowship that we are able to grow our faith in Jesus

Church Welcome Speech Sample

church welcomes at appreciation service

Thank you all for coming.

Church Welcome Speech Sample

welcoming service speech for a new resident pastor

Greetings in Jesus name!

This is a rare occasion in our church, we are taking this precious moments of our lives in welcoming our new pastor who recently moved in from another station.

We want to thank God for making it possible for us to come here to witness it.

We also take this chance to give God glory for the gift of life.

As we share this wonderful moments together with our new pastor, we know that God send him here for a purpose.

In every generation God always raises someone to speak a specific message.

I strongly believe that the Lord send Pastor John here with a special message for us and may we take time to discover what message God has for us through our new pastor.

As the outgoing Pastor used to say..Love one another. I will also echo the same way that we continue loving and showing love to each other as we fellowship together.

Church Welcome Speech Sample

welcome speech to students pastors

Our principal, the administrators present and the pastors who have come to train. I greet you in Jesus name.

Receive Calvary greetings!

On behalf of the school management and myself let me take this opportunity to thank our God who is in heaven for allowing us to be here today.

What a day that the Lord has given us, we have been praying for this occasion and want to thank Him.

I feel humbled to stand before you at this time to welcome you to our training center.

This is the center that trains you to be a pastor

The period you are going to be here,we expect you to conduct yourselves with high decorum and just know that it is the Lord who sent you here and not yourselves.

The work that you have been called to do is noble and need a mind that is decided and willing to be used by the Lord.

There is a lot that we are going to share with you but for today, we want to welcome you and help you settle down.

We ask our loving God to fill us with wisdom and knowledge so that we can be able to walk in the path that Jesus Showed us.

Church Welcome Speech Sample

sample of welcome speech to church annual thanksgiving

I greet you through the mercies of our Lord Jesus!

I feel humbled before at this hour during this occasion,let me take this opportunity to thank our heavenly Father for allowing us to meet once again for this annual celebration.

We have been praying for this event and want to thank our God for making it possible for us to congregate here.

I want to welcome each and every one of you and ask you to feel at Jesus feet. We have prepared much today and I believe at the end of the whole exercise we shall give God honor and glory.

Stay blessed and allow me now to welcome the Emcee of the day to continue with the program.

Church Welcome Speech Sample

welcome speech for congregation

short welcome speech for new comers in church

Here is a short welcome speech for new comers in church.....

Church Welcome Speech Sample

end of the year welcome speech to church counselors

Here is the end of the year welcome speech to church counselors

I greet you through the mercies of the Lord.

what a joy to see many you here today, the year is coming to an end and we want to thank God for His faithfulness and for keeping us safe to meet as church counselors.

As we celebrate the year of the Lord, I want to welcome each and every one of you to feel at Jesus feet.

We have prepared activities including speeches from dynamic speakers who have already arrived and are present with us today.

I want to ask each of you to keep pray for this occasion so that the Holy Spirit will move with power.

welcome speech for congregation

Greetings in Jesus name.

It is another wonderful day that the Lord has given us once more to worship and fellowship together.

Hope the week has been good and the Lord has taken care of you.

Thank you for finding time to come and worship the Lord with us, we appreciate for together we are going to be blessed.

example of introduction of speaker in morning devotion

Good morning church!

I'm humbled through the grace of God to stand before you this morning as I welcome each and every one of you to our morning devotion.

We are very much privileged to have our bro Enock to come and speaker to us. I take this chance to welcome him and together with me, how many say, let brother Enock stand and share the word of God, according to how God spoke to him.

Church Welcome Speech Sample

Church Welcome Speech Sample

church welcome speech sample

baptist church welcome speeches

Here are the baptist church welcome speeches to guide you if you are a Baptist to share during baptist church welcome occasion in the church.

Giving glory to our heavenly Father who has given us the grace to be here.

Our pastor and fellow church members including the invited guests who have come to worship with us today. Feel welcome at Jesus feet.

We pray that as you entered through the church doors, you felt the presence of the Holy spirit and welcome to the church that we honor our God ,sing to God and praise Him always.

church welcome greetings for programs

I greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ,Feel welcome to our Church and start experiencing the love of God for your life

church service welcome speech

Look at this Church Welcome Speech Sample to welcome the church to the service.


I greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ,

I want to take this opportunity to welcome you all to today service,

We want to thank God for allowing us to be here today for the fellowship,

The word of today that is coming from the Lord is going to nourish us and make us move closer unto our God,

Church Welcome Speech Sample

Church Welcome Speech Sample

I'm happy you have landed on our page to find welcome samples for your church.

You are not here by accident but by a purpose because we are unique.You will have good church welcome speech and speeches in our page.

Why are we unique in the sense that,we provide what you will not find nowhere else.That will make your welcome for church program to have a fellowship church welcome that is fantastic.

As you are going to discover.We want to help you save time so that you can do what you love doing most.

Time is very precious to a person who cares.

We are making an effort to save a lot of your time by providing what you are looking for in a timely manner.

we have already dedicated a special page,welcome to church

To have all the modifiable speeches and materials for the church. You can download any speech or even a poem for an occasion in the church.

We keep up updating the page with well written speeches and other materials that you will need.

That is our brick and mortal work that has made us to master the art.

You have a surety of a quality work that will make you happy with the correct speech for the church.

More of the Church Welcome Speech Sample articles below here

Church Welcome Speech Sample

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