acceptance speech for church position

Here is how you can get your acceptance speech for church position you are looking for..

We know that you are here in our page because you are preparing to given an acceptance speech after being given a church position.

We are here to walk with you in this journey.

We have already written the speech for you and your work is to download and modify few words, we know what the speech carries and we expect you to make minimal modification, maybe when mentioning the names for those in attendance during the event but otherwise you will benefit a lot from the choice of words that we have used in the well prepared speech that is ready for you.

If you are interested with the speech then spend few dollars and download it.

Why charge you? we want to keep running this site to benefit many people around the world and also pay for hosting this site and you are only paying a onetime fee that will give you an access to several categories of speeches, actually for over 200 speeches to choose from.

What a deal for you...

If you are interested click the PayPal link below here and you will be given an instant download to get your speeches at one place.

For only $9.75 you will have an access of over 200 categories of speeches to choose from unlimited.

We hope you have download the above acceptance speech for church position template that is among the many speeches that we have given in one place.

If you want to have a taste of what you expect in that speech here is a sneak preview of what you expect to have once you have a full speech for yourself.

We urge you to download it and you will never regret it at...

Look at this sample speech we have given below here

sample acceptance speech for church position 

Our Church pastor, the church management, invited guests, my family and friends, my fellow church members.

I greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus

What a joy to stand before you at this hour that the Lord has given to share my thoughts concerning this responsibilities God has bestowed upon me..............................

After much prayer and seeking for the divine guidance from the Lord I want to accept this position that the church saw it well to give me so that I can serve the Lord.

Thank you for the church management for giving me a chance to serve in  this capacity.

The above is just a format in which the speeches flows, it is not necessary that is what you will have but be sure we have chosen the best words backed up with biblical verses and your work is to read before your church members and the church at large

acceptance speech for church position

We appreciate your coming to our site and may our good Lord bless you abundantly as you prepared for the event in your church.

Contact us for any concern or question you want us to answer

church president acceptance speech

Let me take this opportunity to thank our God in heaven for the gift of life.

I also want to thank the church for seeing it well through the Holy spirit to give me this responsibility to be the church president. It is a rare chance and in my life have never imagined that I can be the president of our church.

I want to thank God for according me this opportunity, I want to ask the church to keep me in your prayers because it is not easy to lead the people of God.

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