an occasion speech for men and women day program for church

Looking for an occasion speech for men and women day program for church?

Below is a sample speech and information to guide you as you prepared for the occasion in the church.

Thank you for visiting our page.

We believe that this is your first time that you have been asked or tasked to prepare for the occasion speech.

So far you don't know where to begin.

We are here to assist and make sure you are ready for the event by providing with relevant help that you need.

We know that after you are through with our page you will be able to stand and give a thrilling speech in your church occasion.


Enough with that. Let us now look at the sample speech that will help you to get ready for the occasion in the church.

Here is the example of an occasion speech for men and women day program for church.

An occasion speech for men and women day program for church

I greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus, good morning

Let me take this opportunity to thank our dear loving Father who is in heaven for allowing us to congregate here today as we share this wonderful day in our church.

We are celebrating the men and women of our church and the contribution have made to the growth of our church.

As we begin this day we want to ask our loving God to shower us with blessing and may His will be done.

an occasion speech for men and women day program for church

Good morning everybody,

Receive a warm word of welcome and through the name of our Lord Jesus.

What amazing day and fantastic opportunity for all of us to come together as men and women of this church as we fellowship together and share the love of God.

What a joy to congregate together, I welcome you all.

The theme of this day is taken from the book of 2 timothy 2:15 which says….Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth, and titled it"God's purpose for the men and women who work in the church".

I know the Lord has given each and every one of us a special calling to serve in His vineyard and together we can make His work move forward.

We thank our heavenly Father for this provision and it is my prayer and your prayer that at the end of this fellowship we would have moved closer unto our Lord.

I know as we fellowship together during this men and women day in our church, the grace of God is with us.Let us keep on searching and aligning ourselves to the will of God.

Feel welcome and God bless you

an occasion speech for men and women day program for church

Greetings in Jesus name!

I feel humbled to stand before you through the mercies of our Lord Jesus. Let me take this opportunity to welcome each and every one of you for this occasion.

Many have traveled from far and wide to come and attend this men and women occasion  in our church.Church members how many together with me welcome visitors to our church.

We have organized this day in that the theme that will guide us is " ALL UNTO THE LORD".

We are going to learn how to surrender and let the Lord guide our lives and the key verse comes from the book of Zechariah 4:6 which says..Then he said to me, "This is what the LORD says to Zerubbabel: It is not by force nor by strength, but by my Spirit, says the LORD of Heaven's Armies.(NLT).

When we let the Lord lead,we shall have the success that we all wanted. It is an encouragement to each and every one of us present here to always surrender to the Lord.

I therefore welcome each and every one of you to feel at this Jesus and enjoy the blessings of the day.

an occasion speech for men and women day program for church

an occasion speech for men and women day program for church

occasion speech men and women

I greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus!

It is a great honor to stand here today to welcome each and every one of you to this special occasion in our church.

When I was asked to come and give a speech, I kept asking myself, what a privilege that the church is giving, I know we have great men and women sited here with us who can speak well but want to thank God for allowing me to speak.

Our theme rhymes well with what I love most "LIVING A PURPOSEFUL LIFE THROUGH CHRIST' and the key verse is Galatians 2:20.

In every corner of the world you will find men and women who feel discouraged and empty because something is haunting in them.

Their lives is unsettled.

I know you might be here today and at one time before you met Christ and life changed,you ever felt unfulfilled.

I can't imagine life without Christ, it is only after meeting Christ that one start living a life with purpose.

As we gather here today, brethren want to ask you a question that you need to ponder. Are you living a purposeful life?

As I sit down, want to encourage each and every one of us to discover our purpose and live according to our calling.

God bless you as we share the love that He has given us this day.

an occasion speech for men and women day program for church

We hope the above speech has helped you.

If you now want a guide that will help you write one from scratch, you can follow this link, how to write and deliver a church speech.

We wrote the guide because majority of the people who visit our site have never delivered any church speech and many times don't know where to begin.

Since the period is short and would love to be ready in the shorted time.

We decided to give them a step by step guide that will enable them to begin from scratch until they deliver an occasion speech.

If you want a complete guide to give you deep insights then the guide is for you and you need to download it.

We also have some who don't have time and are just looking for a ready to use speech but don;t know where to find one.

We have made it possible that you can now contact us directly and we shall prepare one for you.

It is a speech we write after you have given us specific details that will assist us to write one.

You can use the contact form below to provide us with the details that you want in the occasion speech.

Here is the contact form

an occasion speech for men and women day program for church

Otherwise let us wish you all the best as you prepare for the occasion in the church.

We want to pray for our heavenly Father to be with you and fill you with the Holy spirit so that you can deliver the speech to the expectation of the church.

God bless you

an occasion speech for men and women day program for church

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