Appreciation quotes for church members

Looking for appreciation quotes for church members that you can use to share with your fellow church members to appreciate them for the kind act they did to you or your family.

Find the appreciation quotes below here.

appreciation quotes for church members

I greet you in the name of the Lord Jesus!

Let me take this precious moment to thank our heavenly Father for this wonderful time and fellowship given to us.

We also thank the Holy Spirit for the guidance and help given to us today.

We have had a great together during this bible study and we have seen the hand of God at work. I hope what we have learn t today will help us and make us move closer to God.

Let us keep praying to our Father to help us understand His will which He has for our lives.


As I come to thank you,my heart is melting with gratitude to God who has blessed us with the gift of life and fellowship. It is His love and strength that enables us to see this day.

Let me thank our priest for the wonderful mass that we have had today and let me also thank you all for coming to fellowship with us.

appreciation quotes for church members

Glory to God, I greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus, Who thought the service would come to an end. Let me take this opportunity to thank everyone of you who has made it a success, your prayers, contribution and even your presence today has had a great impact towards the synergy we have had today. If you ask anyone including children will tell that the presence of God was with us today. As we leave and depart from here,may the love of God go with us and stay blessed until another time.

appreciation quotes for church members

I feel honored and humbled to give this vote of thanks during this day, It has been exciting and enriching to have this occasion in our church today, our first family and friends who came to grace this occasion you made us happy, we thank each and everyone of you for your prayers and warmth, as we depart from here, let the mercies of the Lord be with you where you shall be and keep on praying for our church. 

I will forever be grateful for associating myself with this family, thank you very much for coming to see me in hospital recently. God bless you

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