Christmas themes for church

Here are the Christmas themes for church to help you organize and plan for the event ahead that is very important in the church calendar.

As this year Christmas is nearing and is just around the corner, your church need to get ready for it.

We have made it possible for you to choose from a variety of Christmas themes that we have availed below here in PDF.

Just download and get the best for the church because many anticipate and anxiously wait what the church is planning for them this time round.

For only $9.75, you  can get themes for Christmas

christmas themes for church$ 9.75


Christmas themes for church

We hope you have downloaded the above themes in readiness for the Christmas celebration in church.

Selectively we chose the themes for you and once you get them will be able to get in your hands the theme that fit the celebration you have chosen as a church, the period that we have been preparing materials for occasions in church, we have come to understand that we all have different preferences.

That is why we have 15 themes at one place so that you can choose the best that you want.

May you have scrolled down here to get a better glimpse of what you expect in our Christmas themes that we have prepared for you.

Our assurance is that we have the best themes that you cannot find anywhere else.

Our mission is to make available greatest themes for all occasions that happens in church and ministries.

We don't second guess.

Just have a look at samples as you decide whether to download the page or not.

Here we go.....

Christmas themes for church


Background: Zion is a biblical synonymous name for the name Jerusalem, which was very significant during David's time and the Jews upheld as a Holy mountain where they will come to meet Yahweh who was their God and a deliverer from slavery ( out of Egypt) 

Key verse: Who has ever heard of such things? Who has ever seen things like this? Can a country be born in a day or a nation be brought forth in a moment? Yet no sooner is Zion in labor than she gives birth to her children.(Isaiah 66:8)


Background: Mathew account of the Gospel was written from the backdrop that Mathew as a Jew who wrote to the Jewish nation telling them that Jesus is the Messiah the anointed one, used many quotes from the Old Testament to show that the one that was prophesied has come and all should celebrate.

During this Christmas , believers need to be reminded that Christ is the one who takes a way the sin of the world and whoever believes in Him will not perish but will inherit the eternal life that is in Jesus Christ.

Key Verse:She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sin.

It is very important to remember that the birth of Jesus which was purposed by God changed the cause of history of the Christian church. This was only done by God Himself because He first loved us.

As we gather here today to remember the birth of Jesus, let us focus on what our God did to us by sending His only son to come an die for us on the cross.


During this season of Christmas , let it be remembered that the period is a time to share love for one another, do something to uplift the spirit of each other.

As you gather together as a church for the Christmas celebration to remember the birth of Jesus, you have to take note that songs of praises need to be factored in during this time.

This event is very important in the christian calendar and getting good and great themes from our site will come at hand.

The themes of praises should ran across during this period that comes once a year,imagine our Lord has taken care of us through the year and we have at such a time when we remember what Christ did on the cross.

His birth,life,death and resurrection is a testimony itself on what God did on the cross.

As you prepare for the Christmas festivities, may the love of God be with you during the period.

We have prepared great and wonderful themes that you can use for the Christmas celebrations that is ahead of you.

As prepare for the occasion, we believe that you will make this site your partner in this journey, our work is to avail to you, the needed materials that you can use during the occasion.

We have made many of the materials downloadable ones and ready to be used. Our ready to use Christmas themes are above and can be downloaded.

We hope that you have already downloaded in readiness for the Christmas occasion.

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