black church welcome address

Looking for a black church welcome address?

Thank you for landing in our page and promise you that we have more that you need.

We not only have free samples but also information on how to write a greet speech for your church.

We always go an extra mile to make sure you have all that you need.

Keep on moving the sample speech is below here.

Below is a church address that is ready to be used.

We trust that the grace of God has kept you well this far as you are reading along this page and our website too.

If you are interested on how to write a church speech. Click this page how to write a church speech

black church welcome address

By now you might be thinking where is the sample.

Don't worry we have very many samples for you below here that you wanted and they are the best because we have chosen the best format that is used in many churches around the world.

I'm a pastor with experience of many years.

Your black church welcome address sample is here now.

Good morning everyone!

I greet you in Jesus name. Just greet a person seated next you and tell her welcome to Jesus feet and God loves you.

Let me extend a welcome to all of you for finding time and come to worship with us today.

We have exciting programs that we look forward to enjoying together. Please feel free to enjoy together with us if this is your first time joining our church. We love you and above all God loves you.

We have looked forward to this day and many of us having praying God to be with us and finally we are here today.

Before we commence with the first program of today worship. Let us reflect on the goodness of our Lord Jesus.

How much he has taken care of us through our various commitments of life. Majority of us we have seen the hand of God guiding us and today we are here to say thank you to our Lord Jesus.

We have left much out there to congregate here so that we can worship our Lord with love from our hearts because his love is with us.

Imagine how many people don’t have the opportunity to come before the presence of the Lord. As we are speaking now many people have lost their lives and didn’t have a chance to give praises to our Lord.

As we seek for the face of the Lord. We want to ask the Lord to teach us and show us how we can number our days and also how we can remain committed in him.

It is not easy to remain committed because of the ups and down of this world. We have many negative things going on around us and there is a likelihood to give up and live just like the rest.

We thank God for we have chosen to join others who want to surrender to our God.

Therefore welcome to the body of Christ. Your fellow believers who have made a decision to make Jesus the Lord.

We are sure that the Lord will never leave us nor forsake us but promised to be with us even up to the end of the world.

As we commence our activities of the day. Our prayers is that when we shall leave this place at the end of the day. May we come out of this church different people who have grown spiritually and knows that God is faithful to what he has promised.

May you all receive the blessings of the Lord and our Lord Jesus will bless us always.

Feel welcome and God loves you.


We hope the above black church welcome address sample has given you the format you have been looking for.

Our work here is to help you save that time you really need most.

We are very much grateful for visiting our center and site too which we are growing to be a powerhouse where you can visit anytime from anywhere in the world and get your favorite church speech,church letters and even poems for any occasion in the church.

We thank God always for the provision and opportunities given to us.

If you have more time visit some of our more pages that is meant for your church.

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church welcome speech

church welcome address

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