choir anniversary welcomes speeches

Looking for the best choir anniversary welcomes speeches from the scripture?

Look at this example from the bible below here.....and Enjoy your great celebration in the anniversary of your choir.

choir day welcome speech

Here is a long version of the choir anniversary welcomes speeches

Our pastor and the wife, the church choir members ,the invited choirs who have come to grace the occasion, my fellow  members of our church present and all the invited guests I greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus.

This is a special occasion that the Lord has given us to gather here today as you we worship our Lord through music.

It is a day that we have always looked forward to and finally it is here with us today.

What a joy from our hearts to worship together as we sing unto our Lord and give Him glory. All of us have always wanted to meet this day and we are happy that today it is here.

We invited several choirs who are going to be our guests and we know that God is going to use them mightily as they bless us though their music that the Lord has given them.

In the midst I can count several of them and know that as a church we are going to be blessed and everyone else who has attended this day. As you will be leaving this place. The grace of the Lord shall be upon you and you will be richly be blessed.

Without wasting time let me welcome you all and announce to you that the theme of this year anniversary is sing unto to the Lord and you can find it in our bulletins that have been supplied and you are holding them in your hands.

Let us now welcome our pastor to open up the occasion officially and allow the rest of the programs to run as the Lord as seen it well.

Pastor allow me to welcome you so that you can give as an introductory word that will set the ball rolling as we make the day of the choir.

church choir anniversary welcome speech

Here is a short version of choir anniversary welcomes speeches

Our pastor and first lady, Ladies and gentlemen, the invited guests

Who came to grace the occasion welcome to our special days as a choir

And we want to thank the Lord for the opportunity He has given us to be alive

And praise him through songs.

Hopefully you are going to enjoy our day with us as we make it a success through

The grace of God that the Lord has given us through the son Jesus Christ who is our savior

We want to praise Him forever for the wonderful love that helps us to meet in this manner.

Feel welcome and enjoy our programs .

choir anniversary welcomes speeches

choir anniversary speech

This is the day that the Lord has given us.

We shall rejoice and give Him glory always.

We planned and prayed to our loving God for the success of it. Now it is here with us. The day to remember what God has done to us.

Singing is act of worship.

When you get a chance to sing to our Lord sing with your whole heart because you are worshiping the Lord and His goodness shall follow you for the rest of your life.

During this anniversary that we are remembering the choir in our church. We can all recall when the choir started.

Many of us didn’t know that few years down the line we shall have a great choir with refined voices that sings for the Lord.

We have mastered the art and look forward to better days ahead of us because the Lord is with us.

If the God is for us who shall be against us.

Absolutely nobody.

Let us therefore come to the throne of mercies singing with melodies in our hearts as we praise the Lord.

The decision to sing to the Lord is the same as preaching the gospel and therefore my fellow choir members.

Let us pray to our loving God to always guide us as we sing to Him for honor and glory.

Be blessed as we celebrate this day together.

sample of a speech delivered by a special guest on a church choir anniversary

choir anniversary welcomes speeches

I greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus,good morning

Let me take this opportunity you have given me during this day and thank every one of you who is here.

The pastor and host church thank you for inviting me here to grace this occasion, I just feel humbled before the feet of Jesus and give God glory and honor.

Thank you for all that have spoken before me and I extend my sincere appreciation for this day.

We want to wish the choir a lovely ministry and may they preach to many through the songs so that the word of God can reach far and wide.

When you invite me again I promise to come.

Thank you and God bless you always.

short choir welcome speech

Here is the short choir welcome speech to welcome the church members and guests for the choir day event in the church.

I greet you in the name of the Lord,good morning,
Let me thank our heavenly Father for allowing us to congregate during this day which is very special in our church,
We have all come from our various place to mark this great occasion in our church as we share this tears of joy because our church choir has sang many years and we are remembering them,
Let me thank each of you for finding time to come here and celebrate with us,may the good Lord be with you always and bless all that you do,
We have several activities during this day and the committee that is in charge of making sure the day is success have great things in store for us,
Feel welcome and God bless you all,

choir anniversary welcomes speeches

appropriate words church choir anniversary

* This is the day, that the Lord has given us, let us rejoice and rejoice even more because of the redemption that is in Jesus Christ, sing a new song while fixing your heart in Jesus whose is the author and finisher of our Faith.

*What a joy this day as we join each other to sing a song of moses and the Lamb, it is because of the mercies of the Lord that we are able to come together as we prepare ourselves for that great get together that will happen soon when Jesus comes the second time and sing that song composed since the foundation of the world.

choir anniversary welcomes speeches

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