christmas program script for church

Here is the christmas program script for church that you can download from our pages to help you in the occasion that is head of you, the script is ready to be download immediately

Title: A Night To Remember - A Christmas Church Program



(On stage right)

Good evening, everyone. Welcome to our festive celebration, "A Night To Remember". An evening filled with joy, love, and the message of hope that this Christmas season brings.

(A pause)

Let us go back in thousands of year to the city of Bethlehem, the birthplace of our Savior.

(Lights dim, Spotlight on Mary and Joseph on stage left)

Scene 1 - Journey to Bethlehem:

Mary (praying): Lord, please guide us on this journey.

Joseph: Fear not, Mary. For the Lord is with us.

(They exit stage left. Carol singers go center stage and sing "O Little Town of Bethlehem")

Transition to Scene 2 - The Inn:

(Innkeeper on stage right)

Narrator: The couple sought refuge but found none.

Joseph (entering): Do you have a room?

Innkeeper: I am sorry. The inn is full. But there's a stable where you could stay.

(They exit stage right to change scene. Carol singers sing "Away In A Manger")

Scene 3 - The Birth of Jesus:

(Nativity scene center stage)

Narrator: And so, in a humble stable, under a shining star, a King was born.

(Mary and Joseph enter with Baby Jesus. Shepherds enter from stage left and wise men from stage right.)

Shepherds (kneel before baby Jesus): We have come to see the Savior, the Lord has told us of his birth.

Wise men (presenting gifts): We bring gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.

(Carol singers sing "Hark! The Herald Angels Sing")

Scene 4 - Spreading the News:

Narrator: With hearts filled with joy, the shepherds spread the good news - the Savior was born!

(Carol singers sing "Go Tell It On The Mountain")

(Entire cast comes center stage)

Narrator: May this Christmas remind us of the humble birth of Jesus Christ, the one who came to save us all. So, let's celebrate with joy and gratitude in our hearts.

(Everyone sings "Joy to The World")

Closing Prayer:

Leader: As we end this program, may the love of Jesus, the joy of the season, and the warmth of fellowship be with us all. Amen.

(Everyone exits stage, lights fade, End of Program)

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christmas program script for church

Christmas script

christmas program script for church

christmas program script for church

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