church annual women conference welcome address

Looking for church annual women conference welcome address sample to help you as you prepare for the occasion in the church that will happen soon.

We presume that this is your first time that you have been asked to prepare and deliver the annual speech in the conference of the women in church and so far don't know where to begin.

That is the reason as to why you are in this page.

Our sole purpose is to make sure you have prepared well and are ready for the conference without any worry or anxiety.

We major in writing samples and also ready to use address that are up to date.

Below here we have a sample that can give you a clue on what you expect when it comes to a welcome speech.

If you already have a theme for the occasion, want to ask you that you keep reading because we are going to give you relevant information on how to integrate the theme to the speech.

Meanwhile here is the church annual women conference welcome address sample that you can have a look at.

Click on the PayPal button below and once you pay the small fee of $9.75, you will instantly receive a page where you can download the welcome address.

For only $9.75

church annual women conference welcome address

The women of excellence I greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus! How are you?

How have you been? How was the journey? We are very much grateful for you being here, we are here for a purpose and want to thank God for giving us this chance to come together in this conference.

Praise God..

Welcome to our annual anniversary that is taking place today and we want to take this opportunity to thank our heavenly Father for allowing us to congregate here again.

The last time we were here the presence of the Lord was a blast.

We are very much hopeful that this year meeting will surpass the previous one because the Lord is taking us from one glory to another.

Our guests and the invited facilitators have much in store for us and we look forward to listening to them us the Holy Spirit uses them. We are really happy to be here today so that can share the love that flows from heaven, as we begin this event, we pray that our good Lord may take care of us and be with us until the end.

Feel welcome and Jesus loves you.

We hope the above sample has given you a true picture on what you expect when it comes to a welcome address.

You are almost now ready for the occasion.

As we told you from above, you might be having a theme in mind or one that has been given by the organizers of the occasion.

You would be asking yourself how do I go about making sure it reflects in the welcome address.

Don't worry..

We have that provision for you.

Below here is the contact form that you can use to send us the theme then we can be able to merge it in the speech and send it to you.

Here is the contact form to use, just fill it and send us the details then we can write the welcome address for you and send it through the email you will provide.

Contact form for the welcome speech

If you also want a manual that can take you step by step and be able to write the welcome address on your own.

Look no further, we have written a comprehensive guide that will be of great assistance to you.

It is a 35 page manual that will provide all that you need.

Follow this link : how to write and deliver a church speech and you will be able to download the step by step guide

church annual women conference welcome address

Let us take this opportunity to thank you for visiting our page.

We want to wish you all the best in your coming conference in the church and may the love of God be with you all as you fellowship together.

We are praying for you and may the will of God be done during the time.

God bless you and thank you very much

themes for women's ministry events

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