church dedication chairman speech

Here is the church dedication chairman speech that you can download so that you can be able to use in the upcoming church event in church.

As you prepare for the upcoming church dedication in your church and as a church in charge you want a thrilling speech that will capture the attention of the attendants and also make the day memorable.

We are here to walk with you towards that aspiration, time might not be by your side and you need a ready to use speech that is downloadable.

Below we have the speech that you are looking, you only need to spare few dollars and you will be able to download it, you will not only have the chairman speech but we give you also many more speeches for church occasions.

Here we go, click the PayPal button below and you will instantly get the page where you can download the speech.

For only $9.75


church dedication chairman speech

You can get speech above that is ready to be downloaded.

church dedication chairman speech

May God bless the day.

Ladies and Gentlemen, let me take this precious moment to welcome each and every one of you to this event that is before us, we want to thank our God who is in heaven for allowing us to gather here so that we can celebrate this occasion.

Let thank the organizers of this occasion for making it possible for us to have this event to dedicate the church to the Lord.

As the chairman, I want to tell you that it has taken the hand of God for us to have this church complete and ready to be dedicated today. Through your prayers we have managed to reach where we are here.

This is the day that the Lord has made that we rejoice in it.

We have gathered here with one accord, so that we can allow God to take charge of His business

child dedication chairman speech

church dedication chairman speech

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