church dedication speeches

Here are the samples for church dedication speeches that can help as you prepare for the occasion in church.

Have a look at the samples given below and if you need one customized for your occasion, don't hesitate to contact us.

welcome speech for church dedication

Brethren in Christ I greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus,

Good morning....

I'm humbled through the mercies of our Lord Jesus, for allowing us to congregate here this morning as we dedicate this house to Him, I know each one of us is happy to witness this occasion this life time occasion.

It is a great honor for me to welcome you to our special service on behalf of the church and ask you to feel at the presence of the Lord.

Before we start, we have so many guests who have come to fellowship with us today and we are grateful to the Lord for making it possible for us to see you coming to our service.

We have been praying and asking the Lord to me us see this day and we are happy that through His goodness it is possible today, for He has said that with Him nothing is impossible.

We thank Him for His mercies and praise His name forever.

Let us continue enjoying His love for us, welcome and let the love of God bind us forever.

church dedication speeches

church dedication ceremony speech

Our Senior Pastors present, the church management, invited guests and church members,

I greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus, how are you!

We are so much happy today to congregate hear as we share the love of God. We are all happy to witness this occasion that our heavenly Father has purposed for us to have.

This is a special ceremony in our church because we are are going to dedicate this church to properly function and be in the hands of God.

We are grateful to our God in heaven for it is Him who made it possible for us to build this church so that we can fellowship together as we seek for His face.

We are thankful that were it not for Him this church would not have been here today.

He knows from the building to the end, He knew that one day we shall have this church together with all the people that are in.

This ceremony makes us to look back and thank God for everything, His mercies and goodness shall follow us forever.

Let us praise and glorify our God forever, thank you and feel welcome to the house of God.

church dedication speeches

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