church homecoming poems

Here are the church homecoming poems and homecoming poems for church that you can share with other fellow church members.

 that you can share with your fellow church members or your church pastor.

The church poem below here can best suit if it can be recited when all the members are participating to make the day lovely and wonderful

I have adapted the poem from the book of Psalms 91.

church homecoming poems

The best church homecoming poems here below


It is another year that the Lord has given us

we are gathered to celebrate the goodness of the Lord in our lives

we want to thank Him and praise him always

when we began this journey,

nobody knew how far we shall go

but only the Lord who is our creator

He knew before that we shall grow and multiply to feel

this place, we can only say,thank you Lord for everything

the journey is still on

today is our home coming to our church

that started small and has grown big and still growing

its only by the grace of our Lord Jesus that we can celebrate today

and as we look forward to another year

we want to thank the Lord for the favor.

church home coming poem


What a joy we have today

The Lord has been good to us,

He has guided us and made us to see this day,

He is the author and finisher of our faith,

He is the cornerstone of our church,


When we started this church,

We asked Him to guide us and our good Lord

Has been good to us and today we are looking back,

To the faithfulness of our Lord

He is an enduring Lord who never fails,


We can’t fathom much of what the is going to do ahead of us,

We have very much blessings from the Lord that is prepared for us,

We can only say ‘thank you Lord for your goodness to our church’

We are a blessed church,


As we gather here today to mark the many progressive years we have had,

We are congregated here to evaluate the love of God to us,

This is the first homecoming service we are having since inception,

Many of our members present here today have contributed highly to the milestone,

We are celebrating here today,


We always thank God for what the church is going through,

It is our prayer that we continue growing from one glory to another,

Wherever you will members present,

Remember the church in our prayers so that the Lord

Can continue opening many glorious opportunities

May God bless you all,


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