church inauguration speech

Here is the church inauguration speech that you can download and use during the upcoming event in your church. It is a ready to use speech which you get instantly.

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Dear servants of Lord, good morning welcome to our church inauguration ceremony that the Lord has set aside so that we can give Him glory and honor.

Let me take this opportunity to welcome you all as you participate in this very important exercise that will help us have a footing in worshiping our Lord with confidence.

We thank God for according this opportunity and privilege to come together during this occasion as we inaugurate the church for the service of the Lord.

We have prayed and fasted to see this day and want to thank God for allowing us to see it.

Church members and visitors present, I want to thank you for finding time to be here as we share the love of God that comes from.

It is my honor now to welcome the master of ceremony of this occasion to continue with the program. Thank you and bless as we share the love of God today. It is the day that Lord has given us

church inauguration speech

I greet you in the name Jesus good people of God. 

It is a great honor on behalf of the church to stand before you at this special day in our church as I welcome our visitors.

We are very privileged as a church to have so many visitors who have come to fellowship with us.

In the midst we have regular visitors who come once,disappears then reappear again, they ate with us today and we also have visitors whose is there first time to be in our church. They are special guests to us.

In our list we have many who have recorded their names and if we have any who didn't record their names. We welcome you in a special way and would ask the ushers to record their names.

I humbly requests all visitors whether  is your first time or its your second time, third time or severally you have joined us for fellowship we ask you to remain behind as we share good time with our pastor and the first lady together with the speakers of the day

church inauguration speech

We are here at your service, thank you for visiting our site and look forward to your coming again. whenever you need a church material for an event we are here to provide you.

church inauguration speech

church inauguration program

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