church membership release letter

Here is the church membership release letter that you can download so that you can use it in to release a church member who has requested a membership.

Below here you can be able to download the letter then customize and send it so that can confirm the membership of you member as you release him or her to another church.

Click the the PayPal button below here and you instantly receive the letter so that you can be able to download it. With only $10.99 you can access a template of letters including the current church release letter you are looking for.


church membership release letter

Greeting in Jesus name.

Thank you for the letter we received recently a church requesting the release of the membership of ____ to your church.

We received it and the church board sat on (Date) and voted to release the name of ___ to your church.

The min of the release______.

We appreciate the period we have been with_____ and hope shall continue with same spirit in your church.

She is very supportive to the church and always participate in church activities

church membership release letter

We want to wish you all the best

church membership release letter

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