church service welcome speech

Are you looking for church service welcome speech?

Welcome to our page,we are here to deliver to you timely speeches.

We know if you are like many other people.

You want to save time because there are many things you want to attend to.We understand you and want to give the quality work that you are looking for.

We specialize in providing church speech of all occasions.

And since you lack time of moving from one page to another.we have saved you that time you need.

We have created a special page where you can download any speech for the church that you want.

Click here on welcome to church page and you will be take to a page where you will access all types of speeches for any occasion in the church.

But,if you have time then move down here where you will get free samples that can inspire you to write a speech for the service in the church.

The church service welcome speech below here are just samples to have a look at.

church service welcome speech

This church service welcome speech can be used to welcome the whole congregation for the worship hour including the church activities of the day.

Here is a long church service welcome speech.

The pastor of our church and the wife,church members present,important guests who is their first time to come and worship with others and all fellow worshipers.

I greet you in Jesus name.

Let me take this opportunity on behalf of our pastor to recognize the important guests who are joining us for the first time in our church and request them to stand so that we can welcome them in a special way.

We feel privileged as a church to have you here today. We thank the almighty Father God for the gift of life and making us to meet in this manner so that we can worship together.

I feel honored on behalf of the pastor and the church as a whole to recognize and ask you to wave to the congregation.

Thank you and may God bless you. Now you can take your sit and feel part and parcel of us. Our church members who are near them you can hold their hands and tell them Jesus loves you and feel welcome.

I want to remind the guests that as a church we have special gifts for our visitors and as the service ends please remain behind so that we can give a gift for your coming.

Today is a special day that the Lord has given us.

We welcome each and every one of you to this worship hour. It is a day that we have never seen in our lives and the Lord has made it possible that we come here and worship today.

The week has been long and we have had ups and down but want to thank the Lord for this time and give glory to Him because were it not for the Lord then we would have not made this far.

As we worship together during this day, we want to pray to our heavenly Father to fill us with the knowledge of truth and give us wisdom and understanding so that we can be able to be fruitful in all that we do and that work that He has given us.

Feel welcome and stay blessed.

church service welcome speech

speech at a welcome service of a pastor

church service welcome speech

opening speech to welcome guests to the church prayer session

I greet you all through the mighty name of our Lord Jesus.

I take this precious moments that the Lord has granted to me this day to thank each and every one f you for coming to our service today.

We have come to an end of the service and want to proceed to the prayer session, I know there are guests whose is their first time to be here, I want to thank you for making The way forward Church as your worship center.

At this hour I welcome you in a special way to join us as we pray together and seek the face of God,We all know that we shall be blessed when we pray together.

Therefore feel at home and at Jesus feet and know that our Lord loves us all.

Thank you and stay blessed.

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