church welcome speech for homecoming

Here is church welcome speech for homecoming

Good evening brethren in Christ!

Receive warm church welcome and allow me  to welcome you to our church today as we celebrate

Get together

Many of us who have come here today have been in this church and you know how lovely and wonderfully we love visitors

We value you and thank God for remembering us to come and worship with us today.


If you look around you can see that the love of God is upon us. We have come from far and wide to come and share this love during this home coming ceremony.

We are also remembering the goodness of our Lord towards our church and we can all say. This is the work of the Lord.

We are counting blessings and naming them one by one. Our voices are saying thank you Lord for what you have done.

Brethren, we cannot forget what each and every one of you has done to this church. Your prayers and any support that you have accorded this church to grow to what it is today. All is glory to God.

Keep on doing the work of good because that is the sacrifices that the Lord loves.

We have lined up several activities during this homecoming and we are sure that together we shall be blessed.

Let me welcome the chair of the committee that is organizing for this day to come and give the remarks. Then tell us what to do next.

Feel welcome and may the good Lord be with you.

Thanks a lot.

church welcome speech for homecoming

On behalf of the organizing committee I greet you in the name of Jesus.

As a committee we want to take this opportunity to welcome you to this homecoming in our church. As you have heard from other speaker. This is a lifetime event that takes place once in a while in our church.

It is a time that we reflect on what manner of love that we have to each other.

As we were thinking on how to make this day unique and memorable. We had many ideas coming to us and we deliberated on them. Finally you can see the work that was done through your prayers.

Without wasting lot of time. Let tell you that we have organized many activities that is going to make us smile and laugh all the way.

Anybody who is joining us for the first time will never miss again for such an event in our church.

We are a unique church and love visitors.

Feel welcome and may the love of God be with you as we share a lot today.

church homecoming welcome speech

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