church welcome speech for visitors

The best church welcome speech for visitors who have come to worship with you in your church.

I presume this is your first time that you have been asked to prepare and deliver a welcome speech for the visitors in the church.

Below here we have samples that can help you.

church welcome speech for visitors

Our pastor and the first lady in our church,my fellow church members, let us take
this opportunity to welcome visitors who have come to worship with us today in our church
and allow me to quote this word of life from the scripture that will welcome the visitors
to feel loved and cared by us today.

When we have visitors around we thank God for the blessings.

It is rare to have visitors coming into  our church and when they come we know that God is working miracles and is blessings us abundantly

We can all remember during bible times that visitors when they came other times they turned to be angels for example the case of Abraham.

We count joy when we have visitors. It is a great honor and glory to God for what taking place in our church.

Our special guest who the Load has sent to us we welcome you in a lovely way and we have a tradition in this church where we do things in a unique way.

I want to request the church ushers wherever you are please join our visitors and let us share the love of God together.

As the love of God flows through us. Let us now rejoice together in the Lord as Paul says rejoice and rejoice again.

After the service I want to request all the visitors present today to remain behind as we give you a gift to take home.

Make this church to be your one stop where you worship the Lord and as you can see our members love visitors and we are happy when you join us.

Imagine the blessings we shall receive each time we congregate to worship our Lord.

It is my pleasure now to welcome you officially and invite our church pastor to welcome you in a special way before the rest of the program continues.

Our church pastor now is your turn to come and welcome our visitors according to our tradition in this church.

My fellow worshipers feel at Jesus feet today and may the good Lord be with you now and fore ever more


We praise God for the word and we welcome the visitors always to worship with us.
Thank you and God bless you always.

church welcome speech for visitors

church welcome speech for visitors

 church welcome speech

church welcome speech sample


Here are church opening remarks that can save time in your church as you make the service an exciting one

Here is an opening speech that you can use to welcome worshipers to the church during the anniversary.

Other church welcome speech for visitors related articles:

Church welcome addresses

church service welcome speech

how to welcome visitors to your church

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