church womens day welcome speech

Looking for church womens day welcome speech for an event in the church?

Looking for a speech to help during the women's day in church? We have prepared a ready to use speech below that you can get.

Just pay $9.75 as access fee to get a link that has got a variety of speeches and materials to help in an occasion.


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We presume that this is your first time that you have been tasked or asked by the church or your pastor to prepare and deliver a welcome speech during the women's day in church.

Maybe you are the chairperson and would love to have a sample speech that can guide you.

We cater for the people who is there first time to deliver an occasion speech in church.

we welcome you and feel at Jesus feet.

Below an example of speech that you are expected to give in church.

You need also to ready further so that you can get more information that can help you as you prepare for the occasion in church.

Here is the sample speech to help you

Are you looking for a welcome speech to help during the women's day in your church and don't know what to do next?

We are here for you.

Just order one and shall write for you.

Meanwhile have a look at some examples of speeches below to help you decide.

church womens day welcome speech

our church pastor and mom, welcome to our day.

The pastors and ministers of the gospel present whom God has sent to us. The invited guests who have come to grace the occasion and my fellow church members.

I greet you in the mighty name of Jesus Christ who is our Lord!

Today is a special day in our church. We are celebrating the people who matters in our lives and that is our women in the church.

It is not in our church only that we are celebrating but this is a day that is marked worldwide whereby we remember what role a woman is playing in the church as well as the society.

Let me see all women in the church rise up as we welcome them in a special way.

The whole church you can turn round and see the beautiful ladies who have stood. Look at how they are smiling; their faces are glittering with the love of God.

One thing we all need to remember is that even the time of Jesus while on earth. When Jesus resurrected they women where the first one to visit the tomb very earlier in the morning.

They play a vital role in each and every one of us who is sited.

Before they sit, I want to say that a woman is a very important person in one’s life and the men who are present can testify that anyone who get a good wife gets a good thing the bible says.

Now I request all of you who are standing to sit down as we continue.

This day marks the beginning of very many important activities that have been lined up by the women department.

As we all know the biggest numbers of our church members are women because they understand the importance of growing spiritually.

I’m not saying this to mean that men don’t love to come to church but once you share to a woman about heaven they tend to hold on to the details more than us men and hence you can all see their concern to understanding what they can do to inherit the kingdom of heaven.

Now as we begin this day let me thank each one of you for finding time to come to grace the occasion together with the women.

Feel at Jesus feet and know that the love of God is with us.

Let me invite our pastor who will bring to us the first lady before the head of women department come to speak to us and tell us what they have for us today.

Pastor welcome.

church womens day welcome speech

In the name of our Lord Jesus, I greet you this morning, how are you?

Let me take this opportunity  to welcome each and every one of you to this wonderful occasion  for the women in our church.

As daughters of Zion, we are overwhelmed by joy to see this day and we have planned and prayed for it.

We want to thank our heavenly Father for granting us this chance to congregate together here and share the love He has given us.

Personally I feel privileged for the rare chance that we have been given by our Lord to come together and fellowship.

We have great speakers who have already reported here and are ready to speak to us. Let us pray for the Holy Spirit to guide and teach us what is the will of the Lord.

We also thank our Lord Jesus for this day, it is a day that is celebrated worldwide and we are very much privileged to be part and parcel of the celebration that is down everywhere in our continent.

Wr thank God for the role that women are playing in the society, women are the key pillars in shaping our children to be what they are today in our societies.

Otherwise let me welcome you all for this event and may the love of God be with you until we finish.

Thank you and God bless you

church womens day welcome speech

We hope the above sample has helped you.

If you are interested to know how to write one from scratch. We have prepared a guide that can take you step by step until you write one.

You can follow this link and download it,how to write and deliver a church speech.

If you also have specification that you want to be included in the speech and don't have time to download the guide book then you can contact us now and we shall help you.

Here is the contact form that can help you to send us the details for the church womens day welcome speech,then we can assist you.


Church emcee script

As you prepare for the women's day, don't miss to have the church emcee script to guide and help you during the occasion .

We have the script in such a way that it can fit to any occasion in church.

Download it and you will never regret...

We want to take this opportunity to wish you all the best as you prepare for the women's day in the church, we are praying for you and may the will of God be manifested during the day.

Let the Holy Spirit take charge and may all the programs you have planned for be a success.

You can also have a look at other related materials that we have provided below here that can help you get ready.

We are praying for you and goodness of the Lord is with you.

Stay blessed and God be with you.

We thank our God for making it possible for us to meet in this forum.

Find other related information below here as you prepare for the occasion in church.

God bless you

Other church women's day welcome speech article

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