farewell speech to a missionary worker

Looking for a sample farewell speech to a missionary worker that you can give during the bidding bye of one you who is going for missionary work

The sample speech below here is meant to inspire you so that you can write one and if you don't have time, let us know so that we can assist you to write one.

Otherwise may our God Lord be with you as you conduct the event in your church

farewell speech to a missionary worker

On behalf of the Senior Pastor and the  church management.

I greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus.. Good evening.

I hope the Lord has kept you in perfect peace (Shalem shalom). Welcome to this special moments in our church, when we are about to send one of us for missionary work overseas.

Let me start by thanking our God who is in heaven for allowing us to be here and for giving us the free gift of life, we are able to share the love He has given us freely.

 I want to also thank each one of you for making it here so that together we can bid farewell to brother George who have hearkened to the call of being a missionary.

We know from the scripture that not everyone can be a missionary but we read that the great writer of the New Testament, brother Paul was one of the greatest missionary in the Christian Church who traveled widely to spread the Gospel.

We are also a ware that at first Paul before he met the Lord was a Pharisee who was persecuting Christians and he did all sorts of things but once he met the Lord he became a great ambassador for Him who even died proclaiming His name to the gentiles.

God has a purpose and reason for our existence, He once told Jeremiah who he called while young to prophecy to the Southern Kingdom of Judah that He knew him before he was formed in the mother's womb and even set him a part for the noble work that Jeremiah wanted to run  a way from.

I know that in our midst we have so many Jeremiah who are trying to give excuses why they cannot be missionaries, some are saying how can we leave our regular jobs to go for missionary work and others are saying where will I leave my family to go for missionary work.

The encouragement is that once the Lord calls you, He will open ways beyond what we can imagine of despite our circumstances and weaknesses.

All those who the Lord called has weaknesses but the Lord qualified them for the work a head of them.

If you look at our brother George many are asking, will he really make it being a missionary? Yes he will because it is the Lord who calls and our work is to answer.

I hope many are going to answer to the call of being a missionary.

Let me leave here because today we came here to say goodbye to our brother and ask the Lord to guide and protect him where he will go.

Let me invite the next speaker to give his or her remarks of farewell.

God bless you all

farewell speech to a missionary worker

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