father's day speech for church

Here is the father's day speech for church that you can download to help you in the occasion that is ahead of you in the church. It is ready you can download right now.

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father's day speech for church

father's day speech for church$9.75

father's day speech for church

Greetings in Jesus name

We are humbled today to congregate here to celebrate this important occasion whereby we remember the contribution our fathers are making to the church and the society at large.

Let me take this opportunity to thank  our Lord in heaven for allowing us to be here today.

I stand here today to thank our Lord for the gift of life and also for giving us this opportunity to come together to celebrate fathers in the house, it is a rare occasion that happens once a year and when a moment like this is happening we always praise and glorify our Lord for the provisions.

Many times the boy child feels neglected and as we all know the society has given the girl child limelight hence the boy who becomes men and fathers in the society feel unwanted.

Statistics shows that many men feel lonely in later life and that is why we have nasty cases around us such as suicidal that would have been avoided if we all speak out and know that all of us are important before the eyes of God.

Let us take this day to be a reminder to us and not be just a day to appreciate fathers and the role they are playing in the church and the society at large but be a daily thing whereby we appreciate our fathers.

As a church we want to teach the society to know the plan of God and what God want to watch and every one of us.

father's day speech for church

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