groundbreaking ceremony speech church

Here is the groundbreaking ceremony speech church that you can download to help you get ready for the occasion that is ahead of you in church.

Our pastor, the first lady of the church,the invited guests who have joined our church for the first ti me

my fellow church members and the church of Christ at large I greet you in the name of Jesus Christ,

Let me take this opportunity the Lord Has given us today here to thank Him in a mighty way for His love and care,

Let me welcome you all to our service today and feel at Jesus feet because He love us and care for us so much that He gave His life for us to be alive.

Download the full speech by click here

groundbreaking ceremony speech church

I greet you in Jesus name!

What a joy in our hearts today to meet here once again so that we can glorify our loving Father who is in heaven.

Nobody can claim that you would see this day on your own where it not for our loving God though the grace that we have in Jesus who is our Lord.

Greet your neighbor and tell him or her Jesus loves you!

Before we pray together. Let reflect back on how much the Lord loves each and every one of us that we are able to smile.

Imagine how many are in bed sick and others have lost their loved one as we are speaking now.

To download the full speech, just follow this link and you be able to get it

groundbreaking ceremony speech church

Greetings in Jesus name..

It's a great honor from the Lord to stand before you to welcome you to our ground breaking ceremony today.

Let me take this opportunity to thank our Lord for allowing us to see this day. We also thank God for taking us through the year and we have seen His hand at work.

The last time we had our annual program God's marvelous work was seen.

We are praying that this time round, the work of God will manifest more and have harvest that we have never seen in our lives

We already have our guests in place and all systems are set,the only thing I ask each and every one of you is to pray for the event, so that God power can be seen

To download the full speech, you can click this link and you will be taken to a page where you will be able to download your full speech

groundbreaking ceremony speech church

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