happy 20th church anniversary

Looking for a happy 20th church anniversary message to share with your church as the church marks 20 years of existence. Here is good messages for you.

The messages below can be used to congratulate each other in the church as you mark the special anniversary that everyone has looked forward to.

Attaining a new level of life needs the grace of God and that is why a time like this all those who are participating in the occasion need to know that were it not for the mercies of God nothing would have happened.

Therefore this is a great time to the members to share the messages of love to each other and even extend to others so that they can know that God has already saved us through the grace that we receive by Faith.

happy 20th church anniversary

Allow me to thank our heavenly father for the wonderful gift of life that He has given us to see this day, let me congratulate our church for marking another year of the Lord is spreading the gospel. It is by His spirit that we are to remember the good work of the Lord that was began since inception. I want to wish each and everyone of you much blessings and grace in our hearts always.


It is with a great honor to join the brethren of good will in wishing the whole church much love from heaven, we thank God for the far He has brought the church, and through His power the church is going far,congratulations and happy anniversary.

church anniversary congratulations messages

As you mark 5 years in serving yourself to the commission that God gave the church, I take this opportunity to pray for wisdom and knowledge to be bestowed to each and every one of you who has given himself or herself to the worthy cause of the Lord. Happy anniversary and much blessings from the Lord

happy 20th church anniversary

May our good Lord be with you and bless you abundantly as you mark the 20 years of service. Were it not for God who has guided and led you far. You have something to thank God for His love. Happy 20th anniversary and we look forward sharing more in the years to come

happy 20th church anniversary

Let me take this opportunity to thank our heavenly Father for giving us victory through Jesus Christ, as you mark another milestone of service, we can all just say were it not for the Lord were would we have been,congratulation as you celebrate 20th anniversary.

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