Letter of appreciation to church members

Are you looking for a letter of appreciation to church members to appreciate and thank them for whatever they did to you or your church?

The template you will download below is in PDF and you only need to pay a small fee of $10.99 to instantly receive it.

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letter of appreciation to church members$10.99

Download this great letter template to appreciate church members and over 100 templates

Below is the sneak preview of what you expect to have in the various templates you will download which we have given absolutely for free at $10.99


On behalf of the family of ______, I want to take this precious opportunity to thank our Pastor and the first family together with the whole church of ______

In Paul's letter to the Corinthians he said.

More letter of appreciation below here.

letter of appreciation to church members

Dear ______

Greeting in Jesus name!

On behalf of our family we want to express our sincere appreciation for the kind gesture you showed our family when we were aggrieved by the death of our loved one_____________(insert the name here).


I want to take this time out to say thank you for what you did to me and our family,  we were full of joy seeing many of you come out with the little you had to make sure I beat the deadline to join my dream school.

You came young to old and finally We managed to see  the hand of God at work. I will forever remain grateful for your kindness and love, indeed you showed you are church whose foundation is love.

As join school this term will make sure I study hard to be at the top of my class and wouldn't let you down. Have seen the sacrifice you have made to me.

letter of appreciation to church members

letter of appreciation to church members

Greetings in Jesus name!

Allow me to thank our Lord in heaven for allowing us to see another day in our lives. It is by His grace that we are alive and able to share the love that is in Jesus Christ.

Thank you for accepting to come and participate in the cleaning of the town an exercise that was organized by our church. We really appreciate for your coming as a church and may our good Lord bless you more and more.

Feel appreciated from our the church management.

appreciation letter to a church for prayers and support

Dear Church members,

Greetings in Jesus name

I'm writing this letter with much love in my heart to extend my appreciation to each and every one of you. You don't how much you have touched my heart, if I had a chance I will send each one of you a letter of appreciation.

On behalf of my family accept our appreciation for your prayer and support you gave during the time of need.

It was such kind of a good gesture seeing the church standing with us during this difficult moment and God is good you extended your hands of mercies. Be blessed always.

(You can download the full letter, once you get the page of letter)

letter of appreciation to church members we have in our pages is ready to be downloaded. We have made the work easier for you and you only need to do few modifications here and there.

church miss you letter

Dear  fellow members,

Receive greetings in Jesus name!

Let me take this wonderful opportunity the Lord has given me to write brief words of appreciation to the people who matter in my life.

As you all know I recently was diagonized with unknown disease that is taking a tall order on my body but I know through the grace of God and your prayers shall overcome.

This is only a temporal setback but I know Jesus overcame all.

I really miss the great worship,fellowship and the sharing we always have together.

letter of appreciation to church members

Dear fellow church members 

I greet you all through the mercies of God 

Let me take this opportunity to thank  our God who is in heaven for allowing to write this letter since I left the church had called my home. I can't forget how much you moulded and helped me grow spiritually.

I really miss the exciting programs of the church that nurtured us spiritually and mostly miss the sermons of our pastor, pass my regards to him and tell him soon will come and day hi.

Have continued with the same mantra here and soon will start an extension of our church using  the teachings had received. Right now am on with prayers and bible study

letter of appreciation to church members

Greetings in Jesus name!

As we come to the end of the year, let me thank our Lord in heaven, whom through His mercies that we are finishing the year well and look forward to another wonderful year.

As a church we want to appreciate each and every one of you for the tremendous contribution you have made to our church , through the offering you give and the prayers you offer.

letter of appreciation to church members

Church appreciation letter after wedding

Looking for Church appreciation letter after wedding for the contribution and prayer they made.

I have provided sample letters below here so that you can have a look at what is expected in the letter, you can also find a guide at the end of the page to help you.

Dear Church members,

Greetings in Jesus name!

On behalf of our family and myself want to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of you for the recent kind gesture you did to us when we were having our wedding.

We know that words cannot express how much we appreciate but we know that your contribution and prayers is highly appreciated.

We want to pray to our heavenly Father to be with you and bless you abundantly. We didn't know where to get help from but you came at a time when we had hit dead end, thank you very much for stepping in and God bless you always.

Dear church members

I hope this letter find you well in the Lord.

Let me take this precious  God given moments to say a word of prayer to our Father who is in heaven for the gift of life and love.

On behalf of my lovely wife, we want to say thank you in a million for the work you did to us during our wedding. We never expected the wedding to go the way it went but we just say, God is good.

Let us thank our church pastor who officiated the wedding. We also thank the organizing wedding committee who did marvelous work beyond our imaginations. We thank the men and women who accompanied us during wedding day. We also thank our parents on both sides for allowing us to get married and the church management for giving us a chance to conduct our ceremony within the church.

We want to thank each and every one of you for your prayers and support. Many of you called us and even sent texts to wish us well. I know you all did that because of love, because of space and time we can't mention each person but know that whatever you did is highly appreciated and God of heaven will reward you at the appointed time.

Just know that we appreciate  for everything and God bless you all. Soon we are rejoining back for fellowship after our bonding,keep on praying for us.

letter of appreciation to church members

letter of appreciation to church members

letter of appreciation to church leaders

Dear Church leaders,

Receive Calvary greetings!

I'm very humbled to write this letter of appreciation, first to thank our Lord for the wonderful love and provision given to us, I want to also thank each and every one of you for accepting and allowing the Lord to use you mightily according to God given calling.

I really appreciate the effort you put to move the church forward,your time and resources have invested in the church is highly appreciated.

Personally have benefited from the wise counsel you always provide to us as church members and may the good Lord reward you greatly.

Let me pen the last word by saying and agreeing with the words of Paul in the book of Philippians which says..Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorablewhatever is right, whatever is pure,whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, let your mind dwell on these things.

letter of appreciation to church members

letter of appreciation to church after funeral

letter of appreciation to church members

Greetings in Jesus name 

Allow me to extend this appreciation to each and every one of you for the love you showed to our family recently when we were bereaved, we don't have words to explain but want to say to all of you, thank you and God bless you for the work you did and the prayers you offered. 

From the bottom of our hearts as a family, we say thank you very much.

letter of appreciation to church members for burial

Greetings in Jesus name

On behalf of our family members,I want to convey this message of appreciation to all church members for the recent gesture of kindness you extended to our family due to the loss of our Dad who was your regular member.

We were overwhelmed with great joy seeing the church taking the front sit in making sure the send off was smooth.

We shall forever remain indebted to you and thank God for you, receive our appreciation from the bottom of our hearts.

letter of appreciation to church choir

To the Church Choir Director,

Receive Calvary greetings!

Let me take this opportunity to thank our Lord who is in heaven for giving us the gift of life and for allowing us to be alive at this hour.

I'm writing this letter to thank the church Choir members for accepting to come and grace the occasion that was conducted in our church recently, your acceptance and the singing you made during the day is highly appreciated by the church leadership and church members as a whole.

We were very much happy to see you coming and making our day lively, may the good Lord keep you in the perfect peace and help you in your singing so that you can touch many souls around the world.

letter of appreciation to church members

letter of appreciation to church members

letter of appreciation to church after naming ceremony

Looking for a sample letter of appreciation to church after naming ceremony..

To the Church Secretary,

Receive Calvary greetings!

We want to take this opportunity to thank our heavenly Father for allowing and giving us this wonderful provision to communicate to you at this hour and on behalf of our family, I want to take this chance to say thank you for the ceremony that took place in the church recently.

We are very much overwhelmed by the support we received right form our pastor to the organizing team that made it possible for us to have the naming ceremony to take place.

We appreciate for all those who took part and the resources that were used, we say thank you to the church and our Lord who is in heaven knows how much we feel right now.

We thank the church for accepting to conduct the naming ceremony of our son Jayden.

letter of appreciation to church members

letter of appreciation to church

Here is a letter of appreciation to church for what they did to you for example the money they gave during the wedding etc.

thank you letter to church members for support of ministry


Greetings in Jesus name

Let me take this precious moment to thank our Lord in heaven for allowing me to pen this letter of thanksgiving.

I hope our Lord in heaven has taken care of you and you are well through His mercies.

The purpose of me writing this letter is to thank each and every one of you for the support you have given our ministry through your monies and prayer that you over.

I lack words to say but receive my sincere appreciation and will forever be grateful for the kind act you have done to us.

Letter of  appreciation to church for financial support

letter of appreciation to church members


Greetings in Jesus name.

Let me take this opportunity to thank our heavenly Father for allowing me to write this letter to pray fellow church members  for putting their hands on the pocket to support me during the funds drive in aid of raising funds to clear the bill which was ballooning when my father was admitted in the hospital.

I want to thank God,  where it for Him, we would have not raised the amount totaling to $10000 that was needed to release him from the hospital.

We prayed as a family after exhausting  our savings and didn't know what to do next but after prayer, God answered and used the church to come to our rescue.

May God bless for your kind gesture and indeed we have loving family we call home that is our church.

letter of appreciation to church members

Appreciation letter to church members after naming ceremony

We understand that this is a unique ceremony in your life.

Taking your precious time to say thank you to church members for gracing the occasion will cement your relationship with them.

Since you have all the details and the exact picture in how you want it be written,please give us all the details and we shall write on your behalf.

We only give general samples that can guide but we understand that occasions are unique.

Don't hesitate to contact for one to help you appreciate the church members

letter of appreciation to church members

letter of appreciation to church staff

Dear (Recipient)

Greetings in Jesus name!

On behalf of the church management, am writing to say thank you for allowing our heavenly Father to use you in His work.

We are very much grateful for the dedication and giving yourself wholly in doing the work that you are assigned.

Our prayer is that you keep up the same spirit because your reward is given from a church, we shall do all we can to make sure you have a conducive environment to do the work that God has given you.

letter of appreciation to church members

Dear (recipient)

Greetings in Jesus name.

On behalf of our family and myself,I want to thank our God who is in heaven for according me this precious moments to write to you this thank you letter

Our family.is grateful to your staff for the work they did in making sure we had a wonderful send off of my grand mother,their presence and contribution is highly appreciated .

What they did to our family will go down in our memory lane as a kind gesture which we cannot forget and will forever thank our Lord Jesus for giving us the chance to minister to another.

letter of appreciation to church members

On behalf of our family,  I want to take this opportunity to thank  our Heavenly for giving me this chance to say thank you.

As a family  we really appreciate for finding time as church members to visit us in our house, the gifts that you brought touched our hearts. Your prayer a and the word you gave touched  us as a family.

letter of appreciation to church volunteers 

Dear (Recipient)

Greetings in Jesus name

On behalf of the church management and our pastor,let me take this moment to thank you in a special way for accepting to volunteer to work when we needed someone to work on the work we had before us.

As a church we are very much grateful and may our good lord continue blessing you in a special way as purposed .

The kind of act you did to us will never fade a way from our memories, we shall always recall  and can only thank our Father God in heaven for the love that He has given us to always share the grace given to us through Jesus Christ.

One day when we shall meet in heaven, all shall be good stories we shall tell each other for eternity for what Christ did to us on the cross so that His mercies will be upon us.

We cannot stop thanking and thank you again and again.

letter of appreciation to church members

An example letter of appreciation to church members

Thank you memorial letters church


Greeting in Jesus  name!

I'm so overwhelmed by joy as I write this thank you letter to say thank you for taking your time to come and attend the memorial of my father which was held last Saturday. As a family we were very much happy to see.

We pray that you keep up the same spirit of friendship for longevity.

Letter of appreciation to a church for the wedding gift


Am writing this thank you letter to show my gratitude towards you for sparing your time and resources to come for wedding celebrations.

I also thank the church for the wonderful gift that you send to us during the wedding.

We are grateful and appreciate each and every one of you who went to his or her pocket to make a contribution,may God bless you abundantly.

letter of appreciation to church members

Dear (Recipient)

Greeting in Jesus name

I'm humbled through the mercies of our Lord to find time in writing to thank each and every one of you for finding time to come and attend for my after ordination bash that was held in my house.

I was very happy seeing many of you coming, thank you for the gifts and the words of congratulations that I received. My family and I say thank you, we are asking for your prayers as we embark on the new role of service in the church that comes with heavy responsibilities.

church thank you letter for donation

letter of appreciation to church members

Greetings in Jesus name

On behalf of our church committee that was tasked to organize for the fundraising , we want to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of you for going deep to your pocket to make sure the church sanctuary is up and complete.

We also thank you for going down to your knees to pray for the project , we really appreciate for God answered the prayer in a marvelous way.

thanking letter for church services rendered

church fellowship team thank you letter


I greet  you in the name of our Lord!

I want to take this opportunity to thank our heavenly Father for the wonderful love given to us.

On behalf of our Pastor and church management, I want to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of your for sparing sometimes to participate in the annual church anniversary as a fellowship team.

We want to appreciate for allowing the Lord to use you mightily.

letter of appreciation to church members after losing everything through fire

Greetings in Jesus name.

It is with great honor to pen down this heartfelt love from my heart on behalf of my family to say,thank you for what you did to our family recently when we were in need, you came to our rescue at time when we had lost everything through the fire inferno. You joined hands and brought comfort to us.

As a family we want to say thank you and may our good Lord in heaven bless each and every one of you who extended a hand of help.

Continue praying for us to receiver fully from the shock,thank you and God bless you always.

Yours in the Lord 

appreciation letter from widow to church members

Dear  (Recipient)

Greetings in Jesus name

On behalf and the children, we want to extend our sincere appreciation to the whole church for standing with us during the demise of my husband and the father to my children. They were dark moments that we don't want to remembers but we want to thank our heavenly Father for using the church and more so our church pastor to be near us to console and give us the word of comfort.

We are grateful for everything and pray to our Father who is in  heaven to continue keeping you in perfect peace so that we may dwell in unity always since we are all brothers and sisters.

appreciation letter to church for attending burials

letter of appreciation to church members

Greetings in Jesus name 

On behalf of myself and the family I want to take this opportunity to thank you for the wonderful work you did recently to our family when we were bereaved, we are grateful for the being on our side, we want to ask you to continue praying for us so that we can have peace that surpasses human understanding.

appreciation letter to the church after one's dies

Greetings in Jesus name!

Once again, as a family we want to take this precious moments that the Lord has granted to us to say thank you to the whole church for standing with us when we were bereaved.

We sincerely appreciate the whole for the immense support you gave us from the word go.

letter of appreciation to church members

letter of appreciation to church after funeral

letter of appreciation to church members


Greetings in Jesus name

Let me take this precious moment to thank our Lord heaven, for giving us the gift of life. Hope this letter finds well in the Lord.

I don't have words to express to you but can only say thank you very much for the support you gave us recently when we were of need, we lost our Dad and we received overwhelming support from the church and may our good Lord be with you always and bless you abundantly.

appreciation message to patrons and matrons

letter of appreciation to church members

letter of appreciation to church leaders

Greetings in Jesus name.

Let me take this wonderful chance that the Lord has given me to write this letter to you to thank each and every gesture you gave to our family during the time of need.

As a family we are very much grateful for everything you did to us from the beginning to the end. All of us in the family we had dark clouds over our heads and would not recognize anything until now when our eyes have opened to see exactly what happened.

The death of our Dad was a big blow to us and we are very much grateful to our Lord that we have a church which is our second family and they stood with us all through.

We don't have anything to pay back but can only pray and ask our loving God in heaven to bless you our leaders who mobilized the church members to do what they did.

One day when we shall all gather in heaven, we will look back and see everything as it is.

Thank you and God bless you our leaders.

letter of appreciation to church leaders

letter of appreciation to church members

When you have an opportunity as a Church appreciative that your church members including your church pastor.

Like now during the month of October is pastor appreciation month and it is good to get one of our letters and send it to your pastor,encourage church members to use our templates to appreciate their pastor during this appreciation month. You can get the pastor appreciation letter here

Appreciation letter to church for naming ceremony

Greetings in Jesus name

Let me take this opportunity to thank our Father God who is in heaven, for giving me this precious chance to write this letter to thank each and every one of you more so our church pastor.

I and my family are most gracious and grateful for the kind gesture that you extended to your family, we appreciate for the resources and prayers you gave towards our family during the naming of our daughter June.

We have not words to express but just want to say thank you very much and may our good Lord in heaven bless each and every one of you, we shall forever remain grateful and what you did will remain in our hearts.

Just know that we really appreciate and may the love of God that surpasses everything be upon you all.

Thank you and God bless you

Otherwise thank you for visiting our page and we are praying for you as prepare to write the letter to your church members.

We want to wish you all the best and thank you very much for the good gesture and act you are doing to thank them.

May our heavenly Father be with you always and stay blessed in the Lord.

appreciation letter to the church council

  • letter of appreciation to church after funeral
  • letter of appreciation to church members
  • pastor appreciation love offering letter
  • sample appreciation letter for pastors
  • wedding appreciation letter to church
  • pastor appreciation letter to congregation
  • stewardship letter from the pastor
  • appreciation letter for crusade
  • appreciation letter to church for naming ceremony
  • appreciation letter to the church for a gift of money
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