opening prayer for church service

Looking for a opening prayer for church service to help you prepare for the upcoming service in church?

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We are know and understand the agony one goes through if it is your first time to do any kind of prayer in church.

Even if you are a person who prays regularly, we still have fear to stand before a congregation and pray.

Don't worry if this is your first time to pray.

Let this sample here help you prepare for the service. You also need to remember that it is the Holy spirit( called in greek pneuma agia) that helps us to pray in our weaknesses.

I encourage you to pray to God to fill you with the Holy spirit at this point of need.

Otherwise here is the sample to guide and help you

Sample opening prayer for church service

Dear Lord and our Savior, we want to come before you this morning through the name of our Lord Jesus, thanking you praising for who you are to us.We take this opportunity to thank you for the grace that you have given us this morning as we worship and fellowship together during this service.

We want to thank you for the gift of the holy spirit that you have supplied in abundance, to guide and help us live in harmony together during this service that we are having here in our church.

We have traveled from far and wide with a purpose to here your word from the speakers that you have anointed to come and speak to us,heavenly Lord, we want to thank for your mercies that is upon us and may you fill us with wisdom and knowledge so that we can be able to leave this fellowship knowing that your love is with us.

Help us Lord to have an understanding of the times that we are living in so that we can redeem the time that you have given us. As we start this service, be with us as you have promised and bless us abundantly until we finish, for we have prayed and believed through the name of our Lord Jesus.Amen 

We hope the above sample has really helped you to prepare towards the upcoming church service.

You can take the way the words are or you can ask the Holy Spirit to provide you with more so that you can own the prayer.

Thank you for visiting our page and God bless you

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