new year themes for church

Download new year themes for church from our pages that we have prepared for you here, we know that the upcoming new year celebration is important, that is why the themes in our pages are timely and get theme now.

The themes below that you can download are great and can be used to usher in the new year

new year themes for church


Key Verse: Philippians 1:6

When Paul wrote the epistle to the Philippians church he was under difficult circumstances but he lived with hope and always put Christ before anything.

That is why he reminds the church in Phillipi to rejoice and rejoice again.

As you usher in the new year, you cannot forget to remind yourselves as a ministry or a church that during the coming year, God who is good always, will carry you through the year, will help you accomplish the resolutions and goals you have set as a church or ministry.



This theme reminds the church members why they need to trust and depend on the lord always.

The context of the verse is that the children of Israel while united were under siege after settling in the promised land,

They are now under the leadership of Samuel whom at the time was the judge and also the prophet.

At this time the great enemy was the philistines and at this moment they were at war to  protect themselves, instead of depending on the lord who had taken them from the slavery Egypt and settled them in the promised land that the lord had promised Abraham.

They felt should be like other nations.

They tried to copy the philistines but they had far superior weapons than them. And at this moment they were engulfed with great fear and didn't know what to do.

That is when they asked Samuel what to do and Samuel asked to repent and look upon the lord for help.

We all know how the year began both in our lives and the church and we can all remember how we tried to copy the world stands or look for help outside the lord let us not forget the goodness of the lord despite our forgetfulness the lord is still merciful and will always protect and be with us always.

As we end the year just like what the Israel did at this time, they repented and gave the lord a chance, we can give the lord a chance the coming year and He will fight for us because He is good.

The lord is the same yesterday today and forever, if he did to the Israel who went astray, how much can He do for us who live at the dispensation of the Holy spirit 

As you congregate today as the church let all remember that were it not for the lord who has done it for us, the enemy now who is the devil would have consumed us.

Let us enter the new year full of joy and confidence upon the lord that He is the one who delivered the children of Israel and would also deliver us since we have the provision in Jesus Christ who is our savior and the lord of our lives.

Let the love of God be upon each and every one of us.

new year themes for church

new year themes for church

new year themes for church

Our Lord is good and he has helped us finish the year well. We take this precious moment to thank God for the wonderful love he has for us, as look forward to the church service or fellowship, you need to choose the best themes that can inspire church members to start the new year with the love of God and also remain hopeful for the rest of the year.

As a partner in this journey we are to give you great and wonderful themes that can inspire you and also have a great fellowship together as church members.

You can download the themes from our pages here and you have the best selection for the occasion.

As we come to the end of the year and enter to the new year, we want to thank our Lord for the far He has brought us, as a partner in making our occasions memorable, we are here to walk together.

Having great themes will make the new year occasion a great one, that is why we have availed great themes with biblical verses to help you remember this event and how the Lord helped you cross the year in style.

We thank you for visiting our site.

We want to thank God for the New year, it has taken the hand of God to finish the year with good health. As we end the year, let the grace of God be upon you.

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