opening speech on church choir activities

You are looking for opening speech on church choir activities?

Below are sample speeches you can have a look at for various activities for the choir

The church choir activities may include choir practice,singing or choir concert.

We thank you for visiting our page for sample speech and we are readily supplying you with examples that can guide you as you prepare to give an opening speech soon for the church choir activities.

We hope the samples below will serve the purpose and help you get what you are looking for.

The most important thing to know is that we are only guiding you.

opening speech on church choir activities

I greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus,
Let me take this opportunity to welcome all of you to today's practice, the Lord has been merciful to us since we left here and let us thank Him again for allowing and enabling us to meet again here today to praise Him through songs.
We have seen His hand to each and every one of us and He has always remained faithful to us.
We hope and trust that we shall take this precious chance given to us to lift up His love

Here is an opening speech for church choir during a choir concert in the church

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,I greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus,
we want to thank our heavenly Father for this wonderful opportunity He has given us to be here today,let me take this chance to welcome you to our annual church concert and as we begin ,i want to pray that God is love be shown to us until we finish.
Feel welcome and stay blessed.

opening speech before the choir sings

Let me take this opportunity that God has given us today as we worship together to praise and glorify His name.
We want to thank our dear loving God for the provisions and care given to find time to be here so that we can praise Him through singing, we welcome all as you listen to these wonderful piece of music by the church choir,
stay blessed as you listen.

If you depend on the Holy spirit, you will have the confidence to share with others what God intended you to speak.

We appreciate you once again for visiting our page and our work here is to make sure you have gotten what you are looking for.

If you didn't get the required speech you wanted, please don't hesitate to contact us so that we can supply to you.

We are here for you.

opening speech on church choir activities

We hope the above speech has served the intended purpose.

We want to wish you all the best as you plan the church choir activities and as even give the required speech.

May our heavenly Father be with you and fill you with the Holy Spirit during the occasion.

Thank you and God bless you

example church choir coordinator speech

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