pastor invitation letter for anniversary

Looking for pastor invitation letter for anniversary that is prepared and ready to use? We have prepared one for you to download. Find the letter down here

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pastor invitation letter for anniversary


Greetings in Jesus name,

On behalf of the Church board and pastor, I want to extend this invitation towards a celebration in our church that will be held on ________________

This will be the_________anniversary that we are going to celebrate in our church,during this occasion we shall reflect back and see what the Lord has done to our church since inception.

We humbly request you to grace the occasion.

To download the whole letter, click this link and you will be able to download your favorite letter.

pastor invitation letter for anniversary

church invitation letter


Greetings  in Jesus name

On behalf of the church management I want  to extend this invitation to your church choir to come and grace the occasion on 30th March 2020 the occasion is meant to celebrate the service rendered to our church.

Our theme will be 'marching forward" and the key text will be from the book of Philippians 4:16

Prepare well for the occasion and may the Holy Spirit guide you as you grace the day with songs of redemption.

To download the whole letter, click this link and you will be able to download your favorite letter.


Greetings in Jesus Name!

Let me take this opportunity to thank our God who is in heaven for allowing us to be alive today, hope you and the rest of the choir members are good in the Lord. 

On behalf our church pastor and management, am writing this letter requesting your church choir to be one of the participants  in the upcoming music concert in our church. Many choirs from far and wide are going to attend to praise God through singing.

The best choir will be rewarded with a prize. 

The theme of the day is ' SING TO THE LORD THE SONG OF MOSES AND THE LAMB" and the key verse is from the book of Revelation 15:3-4. Make sure all the songs are guided by this theme.

To download the whole letter, click this link and you will be able to download your favorite letter.

pastor invitation letter for anniversary

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