poem about church usher doorkeeper

Looking for poem about church usher doorkeeper for an event in the church coming soon. Find biblical poems below here that you can share with your church usher

Our ushers this is your day

The day that we want to thank our God

We thank God for the gift of life.


We have always waited for this day to come

So that we can celebrate together

It is always joyful to the Lord today


As we remember what the Lord

Has done to our church

We cant miss to say

Pastor you have allowed God to use you

And you have become a blessing to us


We are here to praise God together

And look forward to great things ahead of us

As God use us to spread the gospel together.

God bless every one of us all

The above poem paints the picture in the pastor's mind why he is the most chosen one to do the work of the Lord but don't forget that doing the work of the Lord like being a pastor makes you greater than the rest.

poem about church usher doorkeeper

The Lord is coming

Look at the sky

The place is shining

What are we seeing


That promise the Lord Jesus gave us

It is almost to be fulfilled soon

It is very near and even near


What the Lord said is almost happening

The Lord said is coming and for sure he is coming

Are you ready?


Something new is almost happening

That great event that all our hearts is yearning for

It will be fulfilled


Lord thank you for your care

We say thank you and God thank you again

Lord of mercy thank you


As our pastor lead us and guide through the word of God

We look forward to listening eagerly and praise our Lord



What we are getting from the poem is that God using His foreknowledge he chose those who will be Christ from the foundation of the world and therefore anyone who believes in Jesus Christ will be saved that is what John 3:16 tell us.

Christ is our savior and we need to be in Him so that we can enjoy the benefit of the shed of the blood on the cross.

Therefore as you share this poem with your pastor. It is going to be a thought provoking and at the same time give him hope about the salvation that we get in Jesus Christ.

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poems about ushers

church usher poems

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