Priest Ordination Anniversary themes with scriptures

Here is the Priest Ordination Anniversary themes with scriptures that you can download to help you during this occasion when we remember when the priest was ordained to the ministry.

We  have made it possible for you to download the themes from our pages to help you at this moment of need.

For you to be able to download the themes, just pay a small fee of $9.75 and you will instantly receive a page where you can download the themes and other messages for the occasion.

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Thus far the Lord has led us, is the theme you can use during this occasion when you celebrate the anniversary of the servant of God.

During this moment when you come together so that you can look back and thank God for His divine love and guidance.

Let the church members know that the Lord is good and His work must continue always.

priestly anniversary message$9.75

Priest Ordination Anniversary themes with scriptures

As you come together to celebrate the goodness of the Lord. This is the moment when the church does something for the priest.

This is anointed man of God whom God has set aside to do His work on earth on behalf of the kingdom of God.

Look at what Paul says concerning his calling that God had called him and anointed him to preach to the gentiles. The purpose of God is in each one of us. Therefore as you come together to celebrate the one year that your priest had finished and starting another year of service. Let heaven know that you appreciate your priest and supporting him to serve in the calling God has given him.

Priest Ordination Anniversary themes with scriptures

This is the day that the Lord has made and we will rejoice in it. As we come together to mark this important event in life, we pray that our God in heaven to take charge of this occasion and lead us all through.

Priest Ordination Anniversary themes with scriptures

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