sample church anniversary invocation prayers

Looking for sample church anniversary invocation prayers. Below here are the  biblical sample prayers to offer during the church anniversary as invocation prayers.

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Below here are sample church anniversary invocation prayers

sample church anniversary invocation prayers


Will you bow down your heads as a I pray

God of all creation,

We have come before you today,Thanking you for the wonderful mercies that you have granted to each and everyone of us who have come today to grace this occasion. Praise and honor be unto you for the tender care that you have provided to all of us.

Your word say ask and it shall be given. Dear Lord we are doing exactly as you have told us and we know from you word that you are watching over it to make sure that it accomplishes the purpose you send it to do.

We want to thank you for the successful programs that you have given us and we are here to praise and resit the devil and the agents from the midst and we command him to go away and leave us alone.

We thank you and praise you for you have heard and answered our prayers in the name of Jesus  that you have given us.

You can also pray this prayer before you start the meeting.

Our heavenly father who is in heaven,

Praise and honor is unto you for the wonderful love and opportunity that you have given us,

we want to glorify your name for allowing us to be called your sons and daughter through Jesus Christ,

we want to thank you for allowing us to congregate in this manner so that we can share the love that you have given us through your son Jesus Christ ,

As we celebrate this anniversary we thank you father for making us see this year again that we are celebrating our anniversary in this church.

Thank you for hearing our prayers through the name of Jesus Christ.


sample church anniversary invocation prayers

sample church anniversary invocation prayers from the bible

A prayer that you can lead the congregation as  you open a church meeting during the anniversary

Adapted from the book of Psalms chapter 100

For giving grateful praise.

1 Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth.
2     Worship the Lord with gladness;
    come before him with joyful songs.
3 Know that the Lord is God.
    It is he who made us, and we are his;
    we are his people, the sheep of his pasture.

4 Enter his gates with thanksgiving
    and his courts with praise;
    give thanks to him and praise his name.
5 For the Lord is good and his love endures forever;
    his faithfulness continues through all generations.

Look at this sample church anniversary invocation prayers below here for the healing

church anniversary invocation prayers example

God of all creation,

We wan to come before you at this time praising and glorying you because of your love,

We want to thank you for the gift of life and thank you for protecting us from the evil one,

We surrender fully unto you Lord and guide and protect us always according to your will and plan for our lives.

Thank you for hearing and answering our prayers through the name of our Lord Jesus.


sample church anniversary invocation prayers

Prayer for Healing:

Dear Lord Jesus,I thank you that you are the Lord my Healer. I am

thankful to know that your plan for my redemption

INCLUDES physical healing.

Thank you for your infinite love for me.

Now that I understand that Jesus not only suffered the

full punishment of my sins, but He also bore all the

consequences of my sinful nature.

Now I know that Jesus took upon Himself my diseases,

and suffered my pains; my physical diseases, so that I

can be completely healed.

His body was tortured. He was beaten, bruised, and

torn for me.

All my sickness was layed on Him, so I could be free.

I believe that, I accept that.

Lord Jesus, I respond to your love, I accept you into

my life, and I receive your miracle life in me right


I understand that all sickness, as well as sin, has

the same evil source; Satan, the great deceiver.

I turn away from him now with total resolution, and I

welcome your presence, peace, life & health into my


You bore my sins, and my diseases.

Now, I am free of them.

When you suffered my sicknesses...

by your wounds I was healed.

The grace and life of Christ lives in me, and heals me

of sin and disease.I am saved. I am healed. I am free.

I now know Satan has lost all power over me.

Therefore, no sin can dominate or condemn me, and no

sickness has the right to stay in my body.

My body is God's house.

Oh Jesus. You are Lord!

Your life is mine. Your health is mine.

I am saved, and I am healed:

Every symptom of my old life; my old sins and

mistakes, my old pains & sicknesses must now

disappear, because the life and power of Christ are

healing, and making me whole now.

From today, I shall enjoy health, because you are my

life, my all. You are with me and in me now.

Thank you Lord. Amen!

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