sample occasion speech for women's day program

Looking for sample occasion speech for women's day program?

Below are great example speech that can help you prepare for the day in the church that everyone is looking forward to.

Thank you for visiting our page, We are here for you.

As you prepare for the woman's day in the church, much preparation must be put in place and from us here we want to make sure the speeches are ready for your use so that you don't waste a lot of time thinking what you can do.

Just relax and pick the speech below and use it during the occasion

Since we know how time is precious to you.

We have a ready to use Speech in PDF that you can download instantly and start using.

We charge you only $9.75 for a two page speech.

Once you pay, shall be able to download and incase you don't get please send me an email

For only $9.75

Other below are samples that you can have a look at.

Remember that, these are only samples to give you a picture on what you expect in an occasional speech

We have featured different speeches that target exactly what you are looking for, If you are doing a welcome you will get a speech,

sample occasion speech for women's day program

welcome speech church women's day

You are looking for welcome speech church women's day? Here is a sample that you can use in the church

I greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus, good morning( You can change based on the time that you delivering the speech)

Allow me to welcome you all to this great day in our church when we are celebrating the women of this church, the Lord has been good to us and enabled us to congregate here again since we did the same last year.

This is a an annual event in this church and many of you have attended it before have had a better picture of what it entails and I want to promise you that this year's event is very different from what we had before, because each year we built it using the previous experience and want to assure that our eyes have opened and we have improved on what we had last.

It is great honor to witness this occasion in our church knowing that besides the normal worship we always have in our church, such days comes with great blessings and as you can witness we have many women than any other days,

They have organized and put in place many exciting programs that will built our faith in Jesus Christ, so that we can be reminded that in Jesus no Jew, no gentile ,no slave,master, male or female but all in Christ.

This is a great assurance that the presence of God is with us and our women in this church and from many other areas who have come to grace to occasion are here with a  purpose and we are going to witness,

We have many more speeches lined us and we sure that we are going to blessed during this women's day being held in our church.

Let me welcome you to this women's day and may the love of God be with you as you enjoy what we have in place.

Feel at Jesus feet.

sample occasion speech for women's day program

church women day open speech

Here is the church women day open speech that you can use during the occasion in church.

On behalf of the church pastor,church council and the women department. Let me take this opportunity to thank our heavenly Father for this wonderful love shown to us during this day.

Allow me to welcome you to this day that the Lord has given us that is led by the women department.

we have lined up great and lovely programs that will enrich and empower and not only women of the church but all of us.

I make a special request to you that you join us in any way,through listening,contribution and many more.

Thank you for coming and may our Lord who is in heaven be with us until we finish through the Holy Spirit.

women's day welcoming speech

Here is the women's day welcoming speech that you can use during the occasion in church.

I greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus,good morning

Let me take this opportunity to welcome each and every one of you who have found time to be here during this day,

It is a day we have been praying for and want to thank our heavenly Father for allowing us to be here today,

We want to thank also our visitors who have come to speak to us and we know that they are going to bless us with what the Lord has given them.

Let us pray for the Holy Spirit in our midst to help us understand the word and also pray for peace that surpasses human understanding to give our hearts peace until we finish.

Thank you and God bless you

sample occasion speech for women's day program

welcome speech women's day church

Looking for welcome speech women's day church sample that you can use during the occasion in church.

Allow me to greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus,

(You can jokingly greet them with this phrase " The women of the Lord,how are you?")

Let me thank our heavenly Father for allowing us to meet here today as we share the love of God during this women's day in our church.

The theme of this day is "All the king's daughter" and the key verse is from the book of  1 John 3:1, which says and I can read...See how very much our Father loves us, for he calls us his children, and that is what we are! But the people who belong to this world don’t recognize that we are God’s children because they don’t know him.

I hope the Lord will lead us through the day and at the end we shall be blessed.

Feel welcome and the Lord loves you.

sample occasion speech for women's day program

acknowledgment speech on women's day

Here is the acknowledgment speech on women's day you can use during the occasion in church.

Brethren in Christ, I greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus.

It is a great honor to stand before you this morning as we start the program of this day in our church, I count it a privilege that we have gathered here to hear the voice of the Lord, Let me acknowledge our pastor who is present with us, the organizing committee and all the church members present, feel at Jesus feet and may the love of God be with us all.

We thank our Lord for allowing us to be here and we praise Him forever.

sample occasion speech for women's day program

reading for women's day program

Here is the reading for women's day program sample that can help you during the occasion in the church.

  • “After I have poured out my rains again, I will pour out my Spirit upon all of you! Your sons and daughters will prophesy; your old men will dream dreams, and your young men see visions. 29 And I will pour out my Spirit even on your slaves, men and women alike” (Joel 2:28, 29, The Living Bible)

  • The Lord passed in front of Moses, calling out,“Yahweh! The Lord!
        The God of compassion and mercy!
    I am slow to anger
        and filled with unfailing love and faithfulness.(Exodus 34:6)

short speech on international women's day

Here is a short speech on international women's day in the church that can assist you during the occasion.

I greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus!

Let me take this opportunity to welcome you as we join the rest of the women around the world during this international day that is dedicated to all women.

I salute you all the women present in our church and want to thank our Lord for the marvelous things done in our lives.

As we celebrate this day may we be able to reflect back and discover the purpose that our dear loving Father who is heaven has got in each and every one of us present here and also around the world.

Let us all feel at Jesus Feet as we commemorate this day.

sample occasion speech for women's day program samples

occasion speech women mission program

Looking for sample for occasion speech women mission program? Here is an example of the speech...

Ladies of Zion I greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus,how are you?

Receive Calvary greetings and let me take this opportunity to thank our Father who is in heaven for allowing us to be here, we have come here for a purpose and we thank God for the journey mercies granted to us.

We want to our Lord to use us mightily in this mission, we ask for a double portion so that His work can be accomplished.

We pray for the Holy Spirit in abundance during our stay here and above all His will be done in our midst.

Feel welcome and God love us all...

sample occasion speech for women's day program samples

church women day welcome address

Looking for a church women day welcome address to help you during the day? Here is an example to assist you..

I greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus,good morning

Let me take this opportunity to thank our Lord for allowing us to meet this morning and during this service as we worship Him.

It is a great joy in our heart to see another day in our lives as we bring glory to our Lord Jesus.

During this women's day, we are going to learn a lot from the Lord and want to ask the Holy Spirit to guide and help us until the end.

The theme of this day is "WOMEN OF EXCELLENCE".

Stay blessed and God loves us all.

sample occasion speech for women's day program samples

official greeting women day program

Looking for official greeting women day program samples that can help you during the day to greet the congregation, here is an example to have a look at..

  • Brethren in Christ, I greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus, good morning, how are you and how have you been in the Lord..

sample occasion speech for women's day program samples

Thank you speech women's day

Here is a thank you speech women's day sample to assist you as you prepare for the occasion in church.

Brethren in Christ, I greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus!

It is a great honor to stand before you to say thanks for the wonderful day we have had in our church organized by the women of the church.

We have had enriching programs that have made us move closer to our God and also know Him better,

We have increased the knowledge of Him from what our speakers have spoken here today.

As we leave this place today, I want to ask our Lord who is heaven to go with you and bless all that you do

Thank you and God bless you.

sample occasion speech for women's day program samples

As women celebrate this day worldwide, we want to thank our God for the contribution that women are making in our societies.

Let us recognize them as a church and the role they are playing in advancing the kingdom cause.

We have prepared above speeches that you can give during the occasion in the church.

Let us keep supporting our women and give them responsibilities in the church.

May God bless each and every one of us.

welcome women's day service

Here is a welcome women's day service sample to help you during the women's day in church as you welcome all for the service..

I greet you with Calvary greetings!

I feel privileged by the Lord to stand before you as I welcome you all to this day service that is being conducted by women in our church.

As we start the program of the day, I want to ask each and every one of you to keep praying for the Holy Spirit yo guide and help as during the service of today.

We also ask for the will of God be done as we share this love together.

sample occasion speech for women's day program samples

international women's prayer day welcome

how to welcome the church congregation on international women's prayer day

I greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus, how are you?

It is a great honor for me to stand before you,first to thank our Lord who is in heaven for granting us this opportunity to see another prayer day that is conducted internationally,two to also thank each and every one of you for finding time to come and we pray together.

We also thank the Church for organizing for such event that enable us to come together and pray to our Lord.

At this hour I want to welcome each and every one of you to feel at Jesus feet and may the good of Lord open doors and opportunities during this day so that when we go home shall praise our Lord forever.

Thank you and God bless you

sample occasion speech for women's day program

church founders day welcome speech

Here is the church founders day welcome speech sample to have a look at.

sample occasion speech for women's day program related articles

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women's day occasion speech church

church welcome speech for women's day

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