speech about opening a new Pentecostal church

Looking for speech about opening a new Pentecostal church?

Below is a sample that you can use during the occasion you are about to undertake.

speech about opening a new Pentecostal church sample

I greet you in the name of Jesus,

I feel honored and privileged to stand before you during this occasion that we are about to undertake in our church. It is history in making because today a new baby is being born among the house of the Lord.

We have been praying for this occasion and majority of us fasted for the event and we are happy that the Lord has made it possible that we are able to congregate here today and open a new church that is going to serve the people in this area.

We are very much overwhelmed by the reaction that we had since the idea was born, the laying of the foundation and finally the opening of the church today.

Thank you very much for all who played a very important and significant role in various ways to make sure this church is up and ready to be used by many of us. May our goof Lord be with you and bless you abundantly.


The gospel campaigns we did here and the harvest that the Lord has given us, we are and the grace that is sufficient to us.

Let us keep on praying for the new church that is going to be a life changing center that the Lord's name maybe lifted up and glorified in this area.

We look forward to many years of service and the goodness of the Lord in our lives and those who will come after we have finished our work on earth.

Let us praise the Lord always and give Him glory and honor.

Thank you for listening to me and God bless you.

The above speech about opening a new Pentecostal church sample is an example speech of what you expect to deliver during the occasion.

If you have specification and details that you want to be included in your speech that you have been tasked to give, then feel free to contact us so that we can write for you.

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You can also get our guide that can help you how to write your church speech with step by step guidance up to delivery.

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speech when opening new church

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