speech for youth day at church

Looking for a speech for youth day at church?

Below is a speech sample that can help you during the occasion in the church.

The speech below can be delivered by a youth to fellow youths or the guest invited for the occasion.

The speech cut across.

speech for youth day at church

We presume that this is your first time you are going to offer a speech during the youth day in church.

Maybe you were requested by the youth department or your pastor to prepare and give a speech during the day.

so far you don't know where to begin from....

Welcome to our page, we are going to help and assist you get ready for the occasion.

Even if this is your first time or you have been doing it but are here to look for ideas.

We welcome you and let us help each other.

First we are going to give you a sample speech to give you a true picture on the format of the speech and also give you more information that can guide and prepare you in readiness for the occasion.

Let us begin by the sample speech for youth day at church

We hope the sample church welcome speech youth day, will give you a picture of what you expect in a speech.

speech for youth day at church

speech for youth day at church

I greet you in the name of our Lord!

Let me take this opportunity to thank our heavenly God for allowing me to speak to you today during this day of our youths in our church.

I have entitled my speech “LET NO MAN DESPISE YOUR YOUTH.

I can remember when I read the story of David the first day, it clicked in my mind, how this young man would defeat Goliath who had everything that is needed, you can imagine all the weapons at disposal for the giant man, those youths present here who have not read this story, you can refer to the book of first Samuel chapter seven and you will find it there.

It is a narrative that is very relevant to us as youths who encounter many challenges in life, we have peer pressure, we struggle with many things in life and as well many of us are trying to discover themselves.

You can remember from the story how Jesse didn’t realize the capability of David, when he asked this question. Let me quote it.. Samuel asked him, "Are these all the sons you have?" "There is still the youngest," he answered, "but right now he's tending the sheep." Samuel told Jesse, "Send for him. We won't sit down to eat until he gets here."

According to the father of David, he was just a young boy who would not do anything, even the brothers didn’t believe that David would was capable.

As we celebrate this day of the youths in our church. Let us ask ourselves these questions, how many times have people disapproved you because you are a youth? Majority of us sited here today we have been shoved aside because of our age.

Do you take it as an offense?

Do you despise yourself and even decide to indulge to other things so that you can be accepted, let us remind ourselves today that the same words that Apostle Paul spoke to Young Timothy during those years is very relevant today, this is what Paul told young Timothy and I quote.. Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity (1 Timothy 4:12).

As youths let us remembers that we are capable of doing anything that the Lord has called us to do so that others can learn from us.

Thank you for listening to me and may God bless you abundantly.

speech for youth day at church

We hope the sample speech above has helped you to prepare for the youth occasion in the church. We have several examples in our websites that caters for the occasions in the church. If you don't have time to write one and need help then click this link so that you can contact us we help you write one that is customized.

thanksgiving speech during youth anniversary

I greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus.

I feel humbled to stand before you at this hours, a hour that one doesn't feel to come but it is here with us.

I want to take this opportunity to thank our God in heaven for helping us finish this anniversary well.

I want also to thank our guests who came to grace the occasion, may our good Lord keep you in perfect peace always.

Let me also thank our church more so our able church pastor for allowing us to hold this anniversary, his wisdom and guidance was timely and we pray that may our good Lord keep filling you with wisdom and knowledge to always guide us.

Last but not least, let me thank the youth department for the unwavering dedication and commitment you gave to make sure this day is a success,keep up with the same spirit always.

To everyone have not mentioned, thank you for whatever you rendered your hand at, may you be blessed abundantly.

speech for youth day at church

After you have gone through the sample above and got interested to write the same.

Some questions are lingering in your head..

How do I write one now?

Many people have written to us asking us we help them write a speech and we decided to write a step by step manual that can help you write one.

It is a comprehensive manual that once you read it, you will be ready with speech for the youth day in church.

If you want this manual to help you,follow this link how to write and deliver a church speech then you will be able to download it.

speech for youth day at church

We want to take this earliest opportunity to wish you all the best as you prepare for the occasion in church.

We are praying to our heavenly Father to guide and give you wisdom so that when you speak many youths will not see you but see Jesus in you.

we are praying for you.

Thank you for visiting our page and God bless you.

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