welcome address for youth convention

Looking for welcome address for youth convention?

Below is a example speech to help you during the upcoming event in the church

It might not be in a church building but whichever place you have planned the speech can serve,

The speech can also be used in a youth conference besides the convention or even during a seminar you have organized.

We want to thank you God for allowing you to visit our page and we shall never disappoint you, our work is to give you what you want and if you don't find it in our page here feel free to contact us.

We hope that the welcome address for youth convention given below here is what you are looking for.

Here is the welcome address for youth convention sample

welcome address for youth convention

My dear people of God,I greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus,

It is my pleasure and privilege to welcome you to this annual youth convention being held here_____________(insert the place). I thank God for enabling you to travel from various churches and parts of this beautiful country of our ____________(insert the name of the country).

We want to thank God that the youth ministry has grown and has been instrumental in making many of us the be people of substance in the community.We also thank God for such kind of forums where we learn what those who founded and laid the stone of this ministry what they did.

My heartfelt goes to you all and may the grace and truth be your guide until we come to the conclusion of this event.

Thank you and God bless you

2nd sample that you have a look at.

Below is another sample of welcome address for a youth convention that you can have a look at and get a true picture on how a welcome speech need to be.

We assure you that we can help you to customize and produce one that will fit the occasion you are preparing in the church.

We are you partner in this journey and want to thank God that we have the Holy Spirit that will guide and teach us all through.

I greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus!

Welcome to our ______ (Insert the session, if it is 2nd,3rd, 4th etc) youth convention that we have gathered here today as we share, hear the word of God, listen to the great message of God as we fellowship together.

We have travel led from far and wide so that we can seek for the face of the Lord together.

I take this precious moment to welcome you all and may the Love of God be with you through the duration you are going to be here.

Thank you for coming and God bless you

We hope the above speech has served you well,

We want to wish you all the best for the upcoming convention that the church has organized and may the Holy spirit guide you.

We also know and understand how time is precious to you, that is why we have tried very much to save you time by availing what you want in place,

If you want a speech that is customized or that needs to be modified then you need to contact us by following this link church speech or poem writer so that we can assist you in writing one.

We are at your service and would love you succeed,

We want to pray to our heavenly Father to guide and help you to deliver the best speech ever during the upcoming convention that is coming.

We also that God for being faithful to us always and will always be with us till the end of everything we do.

Be blessed as you look forward to the youth convention that is going to be a life changing event in the youth ministry

church youth week welcome address

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