welcome speech at a church convention

Looking for welcome speech at a church convention?

Thank you for visiting our page for a sample speech,below we have an example for you

The sample below is "very general", I use the term general to mean, it acts like a guideline on what you expect in a speech given in a convention.

Your scenario might be different and the expectation too.

The change in the congregation who will attend the convention and also the culture of the place,

Our speech below carries the general guidelines that you will find in any speech of the church which has an introduction, the body and the conclusion of the speech.

We hope that you will customize the speech to fit the occasion.

If you don't have time, then feel free to contact us then we can help you to write one that meets your expectations.

we are here to do it for you and many people are making a request from all over the world.

follow this link to contact us for more details. church speech or poem writer

Here is the welcome speech at a church convention

welcome speech at a church convention

I greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus!

Welcome to _________________(insert the edition i.e 1st,2nd,3rd,4th...) convention.

We want to thank our heavenly Father for the opportunity granted to us to congregate here today for this year convention.

We have always looked forward to this day and want to thank our Lord for making it possible for us to see it. This is a period when reflect on many things about our church and we also find time to chatter the way forward.

Let us ask the Holy Spirit to guide us and be with us all through until we finish. We have many activities lined up during this period.

Let me welcome you all this special time in our church.

Thank you and God bless you

We hope you have gotten the assistance that you needed.

We want to wish you the blessings of the Lord has you prepare for the occasion in the church or wherever you will hold the church convention.

We pray for the Holy Spirit to guide and make it possible for the day to be successful, may all the guests and the whole program go as you has planned for it.

Otherwise may the love of God be with you all through.

You can also find more information for the church if you will visit the pages we have given below here.

church convention speech
welcome address for women convention

  1. church homecoming welcome speech
  2. church program welcome speeches
  3. church service welcome speech
  4. church welcome speech for homecoming
  5. church welcome speech for visitors
  6. Church Welcome Speech Sample

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