welcome speech by the church secretary

Below here is the welcome speech by the church secretary for different occasions in the church.

I presume this is your first time that you have been asked to speak in an occasion in the church.

Maybe you got the position recently or you have been requested by the church pastor or reverend to prepare and give an opening speech or closing remarks.

so far you don't know where to begin.

Don't worry any more, we are here to help you.

We are experts in producing quality occasional speeches for churches and be sure you will get one that will fit the occasion you are looking forward to.

What do you expect to get here in our page.

First we are going to give you a sample speech to give you or paint a picture of what you expect then afterwards we shall give you an opportunity to send us details then we can assist you to write one.

If you don't have time but need us we write one for you then click here to be taken to a contact form that you can fill with the details you want to to be reflected in your speech or address.

meanwhile here is the sample welcome speech by the church secretary for an anniversary in church

welcome speech by the church secretary for an anniversary in church

I greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus, good morning

Let me take this wonderful opportunity that the Lord has granted to us this day, to thank Him. I want to also thank the church organization for the good preparation that has been made to make sure the day has set out well.

It is a great honor to stand here to witness this rare occasion that happens once a year.

I count a blessing to be among hundreds who have traveled from far and wide to come and grace the occasion, when I look a round I can see you and old who are eager to experience the love of God today.

Looking at the program, I can say with confident that the will of God will be seen today.

Once again, let me welcome you as the secretary to the church and feel at the feet of Jesus as we learn of Him.

Stay blessed.

I hope you had a good glimpse of what you will expect in your inbox when we write it for you.

We have not included the theme and the verse because we expect you will supply it to us.

Here is the form that you can use to send us the details.

contact form

Contact Us

Please note that all fields followed by an asterisk must be filled in.

Otherwise, let me take this chance to wish you all the best as you prepare for the occasion.

May the good Lord be with you and grant you His grace to prepare well.

Thank you for visiting our page and God love you.

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