Welcome speech for Sunday school attendance program

Looking for Welcome speech for Sunday school attendance program? Below is a sample to help you as you prepare for the day in church

Is this your first time that you have been requested to give a welcome speech during the upcoming Sunday school attendance program.

Sunday school is very vital to the church and an integral area which sets base for the better understanding of the bible.

This is an area that provides a very good environments for learners to get the glimpse of what the Church is all about.

Here is a speech that you can give when welcoming the attendees to the Sunday school program


Welcome speech for Sunday school attendance program sample

Greetings in Jesus name!

I feel humbled and privileged to stand before you as I welcome you to today's program. It's a great honor for me to welcome each and every one of you who has come to attend. 

Allow me to thank our heavenly Father for allowing us to be here today as we learn of Him.We thank God because for who He is,He has prepared much for us this day.

We all know from the bible that where two or three are gathered in Jesus name, the presence of God is upon them, during this program you can all see that we are more than three and want to thank for the presence of the Lord that is with us.

I know that ,we have new members who are joining us for the first time in our Sunday School program, let me take this wonderful opportunity that the Lord has granted to me to welcome you and tell you that God loves, feel at Jesus feet.

Our Sunday School program is a great opportunity for anyone who want to learn from the Lord has to come, let me thank all of you for taking the bold step and coming to lay your spiritual foundation from.

I know the Lord of God is with us.

As we begin this program let me pray that the will of God will be manifested,we want to ask our Loving Lord to fill us with the knowledge of truth, give us the spirit of understanding and also showers us with his wisdom so that what we learn today will be applied in ourlives.

Feel welcome and God bless you

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