welcome speech for a pastor to a new church

Looking for a welcome speech for a pastor to a new church that you can download and use it during the upcoming event that is ahead of you. Here is one.

If you want a quick and ready to use speech for the occasion then you have come to the right place. Our work is to avail materials for occasions in church to help leaders who don't have time as well are not used to speaking before people and don't know what to say, we help them, mostly if it is their first time.

Are you in that category then below here you will get the welcome speech for a pastor to a new church that you can instantly download and use to welcome your new pastor who has just joined your new church.

We have made it possible in that , you don't have to worry in order to get it. What you need to do is to click and follow a link we have given below here and you will be able to download it.

For you to get the welcome speech for a pastor to a new church which is in PDF, click this link and a page will open where you will be able to download the welcome speech that you are looking for.

Click here for you to get the welcome speech for a pastor to a new church

Below we have given an excerpt of the welcome speech that you are going to download so that you can have a glimpse of what you will get once you download the full speech from our database.


Our outgoing Pastor and the first lady, the invited guests present, church leaders present and fellow church members.

I greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus. How are you?

Let me take this precious moment to thank our Father who is in heaven for allowing us to have this event in our church. We want to thank God for His mercies. As we start this event we want to invite the Holy Spirit to take charge of the occasion.

Let start by welcoming each and every one of you to this special day. It is a day that is full of Joy and tears at the same time.

>>>To download the full speech, click this link and you will be take to a page where you will download your prepared speech.

welcome speech for a pastor to a new church

Hope we have been of help to you. Thank you for visiting our page and we welcome you always to come back for more materials.

Be blessed

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