welcome speech for anniversary celebration

Looking for welcome speech for anniversary celebration?

You currently planning for an anniversary celebration in the church and want sample speeches to have a look at.

Below here we have several free samples written with different styles and it is up to you to look at them and choose one that you want and you love.

We know how precious time is and you want to save some in order to use it to do other things that you love most.

Our free samples are here to help you have that plenty of time that you have always wanted to have

welcome speech for anniversary celebration -sample speech

I greet you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ,good morning,
Hope you had a fantastic week and allow me to welcome each one of you to our occasion today as we mark the many years the Lord has given us to exist as a church.
We want to remain grateful to the much that the Lord has done to us since we began, we have grown from a small congregation to thousands of which you are witnessing today,
We have seen the hand of God guiding us all this years and let His name be glorified forever.
It has been a story that started in a miraculous way and no one knew where we shall be today. It is a living testimony that if you believe and obey the Lord nothing is impossible both cooperate and as individuals.
It is much blessings to see this day as we witness the hand of God which we have witnessed for those of us who have been here since the church began.
I know majority of us who began this church or the founders are not with us today because of the various reasons including some dying and others relocating,
we are just a movement that the faith of Jesus is shared.
Let us thank the Lord always for His goodness and we know that His mercies endured forever, it is our prayer that in the next anniversary we shall continue counting the blessings of the Lord.
Stay blessed as you enjoy the many programs and activities that we have arranged today.
Thank you and God bless you.

welcome speech for anniversary celebration

The above welcome speech is very general and we assume that you might want to customize it so that it can fit the year of the anniversary.

You might be celebrating the 1st anniversary,2nd anniversary,3rd anniversary,4th anniversary etc.

Church welcome speech sample

church anniversary speeches

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