welcome speech for church service

Looking for welcome speech for church service to help you prepare towards the upcoming church service in your church? We have some below in our page.

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welcome speech for church service

My fellow worshipers take note of the important church activities highlighted in the bulletin because they are important to us and for our unity.

Let us remember to attend for our prayer meetings conducted weekly within our church and our pastor is always there to guide us on what we need to do as a church.

Today’s theme is centered in Christ who is the author and finisher of our faith.

Let take this opportunity to welcome you all to today worship and let us pray for the speaker of the hour who is our church pastor.

Allow me now to welcome him and let God use him to speak to us as we listen to the word of God.

Fell welcomed and God bless you. Pastor welcome and be blessed as you speak to the people of God.

welcome speech for church service

I greet you in the name of Jesus,

How was your week?

Let me take this opportunity to welcome you this hour that the Lord given to us,

To worship Him in our church today,

It is a great honor to be in the father’s house,

As we remember the great things done to us by our loving father who is in heaven

We can all say thank you God

Your mercies endures forever,

As we reflect the love of God

Let us not forget to extend the same to our brothers and sisters who need our attention

Sharing the love of God to others means a lot the glory of God

Visitors who are joining us today

Feel welcome and enjoy our services to the maximum,

We love visitors because you are a blessing to us always

When you leave don’t miss to come again next time

Come with other friends so that we can enjoy together always

May the love of God be upon you always,

Feel welcome and be blessed all.

welcome speech for church service

My fellow worshipers take note of the important church activities highlighted in the bulletin because they are important to us and for our unity.

Let us remember to attend for our prayer meetings conducted weekly within our church and our pastor is always there to guide us on what we need to do as a church.

Today’s theme is centered in Christ who is the author and finisher of our faith.

Let take this opportunity to welcome you all to today worship and let us pray for the speaker of the hour who is our church pastor.

Allow me now to welcome him and let God use him to speak to us as we listen to the word of God.

Fell welcomed and God bless you. Pastor welcome and be blessed as you speak to the people of God.

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