Welcome speech for church young singles day

Looking for welcome speech for church young singles day event?

Well, Welcome to your page, we have sample speech and information that will assist you during the occasion.

You are in this page because you are new to delivering a speech and need assistance.

Maybe you were asked by your Church pastor or the church and don't know where to begin at.

This is the place to begin and what we have provided below is what assist many church members like you who is their first time to give a speech and would love to be helped.

We are more than willing to assist.

Look at this sample speech and we also ask you to keep on reading because down below the sample speech we have given information that will help you write a speech from scratch.

Here is the welcome speech for church young singles day speech sample.

welcome speech for church young singles day

During the occasion in the church you can use this speech sample.

I greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Let me take this opportunity to welcome each and every one of you to this occasion in our church as we celebrate our singles in this church.

This are precious moments when we take the time to share the love of God that we have been given.

Feel at Jesus feet and stay blessed.

We hope the above example of speech has helped you.

We also believe that you might be interested with the assistance of helping you to write one from scratch.

we have given that provision.

If you don't have time and would love a ready to use speech that include the information that you have found lacking from the sample above.

We are here for you.

You can contact us right now and provide us with details as per what you want be included in the speech and we shall instantly do it for you.

Provide all the information in the contact form given below and we shall write and send it to you at the appropriate time as you stipulate.

Here is the contact form

Contact Us

Please note that all fields followed by an asterisk must be filled in.

We have also written a guide that can assist you write one by yourself.

It is a step by step eBook that takes you from the beginning until you deliver the speech during the actual day.

If you want the eBook, then you can download it here, how to write and deliver a church speech. It is a 35 page guide that is comprehensive with all that you need to get ready for a speech.

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