welcome speech for pastor anniversary program

Looking for welcome speech for pastor anniversary program?

Below is a sample speech and information that can guide you as you prepare for the occasion in the church.

Thank you for visiting our page.

If this is your first time you have been asked to prepare and deliver a speech in your church.

We welcome you to our page and are going to be of great help to you.

How are we going to be of help you?

We understand your agony and are ready to supply you with what you need. First below you will have a sample to give you a clue of what you expect when it comes to welcome speech for pastor anniversary program that you are needed to give or deliver during the occasion.

Here is the sample to have a look at.

welcome speech for pastor anniversary program

I greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus,good morning!

We want to take this opportunity to thank our heavenly Father for the wonderful provision granted to us to meet here today as we commemorate this great day in or church.

Let me welcome each and everyone of you to our pastor anniversary that we are having today in our church.

It is a time when we remember the goodness of our Lord to us.

We always have a reason to celebrate together because our Lord is merciful and deserves honor and glory always.

Let me welcome you in a special way to celebrate with us and we have so much during this day.

Let the Holy Spirit guide and the grace of God is sufficient.

Feel welcome and stay blessed.

Welcome speech for visiting churches for Pastor Anniversary

Here is the Welcome speech for visiting churches for Pastor Anniversary sample to have a look at.

I greet you all in the name of our Lord Jesus,

Let me take this opportunity to thank our heavenly Father for allowing us to congregate here today as we celebrate the anniversary of our pastor,

Let me welcome all the visiting churches who have come today to grace the occasion in our church and we are grateful for your presence, your prayers and contribution is highly regarded.
And to our church, let us together welcome all the visitor in one accord through the power of the the blood of Jesus.
Thank you and God bless you.

Second,after you have had the sample and we are sure you have gotten the assistance that you needed.

We also know that you might be interested to know how to write one.

We have provided a guiding book that comes in a soft copy. It is a 35 page eBook that you can download and get the guidance and tips that can help you to prepare to give the speech in the church during the occasion that is a head of you.

If you are interested in the eBook then you can download it here ,how to write and deliver a church speech.

It is a step by step guidance that will increase your confidence when it comes to speaking before many people.

We know majority of people have stage fright that leaves them to be scared. We have catered for you.

Make sure you get your copy so that you can be ready for the occasion. We care for you and are praying for you as you prepare for the day.

Sometimes you might not have time to sit and read a book . You really need help for a ready to us speech.

We can write for you one and we shall sent it through email.

If you are interested for one then,just fill the contact form below here with your details and we shall proceed to write one for you.

We always do this because churches and occasions are different and always would want your speech to have specification that cannot be found in a sample speech.

Here is the contact form

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Please note that all fields followed by an asterisk must be filled in.

Otherwise thank you for visiting our site and may God bless you.

Let us wish you all the best and my our heavenly Father be with you and fill you with the Holy Spirit as you prepare for the occasion speech.

You can also visit other welcome speech for pastor anniversary program related materials we have provided below here

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