welcome to our church letter

Here is the welcome to our church letter that you can download from our page and start using it immediately because it is a ready to use letter 

Greetings in Jesus name!

On behalf of the church, let me take this moment to thank my Father in heaven, for allowing me to write this letter of welcome to our church, hoping that the Lord has kept you well since you left our church during the last service.

As you saw, we love visitors and would love to welcome once more to our church, hoping that one time you will make this church your destination when it comes to worship.

We are glad you joined us..............

I greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus!

It is a great honor through the mercies of our Lord Jesus to stand before you at this hour to welcome each and every one of you to this appreciation service.

We always as a church set aside one day in a year to appreciate our brethren  who have played a key role in our church through their contribution as the Lord has led them.

Actually each and every one of us has done something to make the mission of Jesus to be achieved and we deserve recognition.

We only choose one out of many who have stood out distinctively

The committee that was given the task is going to give us the list.

Meanwhile I know that the Lord is leading this exercise and guiding us all along.

welcome to our church letter

Greetings in Jesus.

Allow me to thank our Almighty for giving us this opportunity today as we fellowship together.

Let me also welcome each and every one of you to our service,if there is any visitor or guest who is joining us for the first time, may you stand wherever you are.

I'm so happy to introduce to you our newest prayer program which is starting this week, as the head of prayer department, let me take this chance to welcome each and every one of you.

I know that together we can because it is a program we have always yearned and looked forward to, I invite you officially to join the rest who have already decided.

The theme of this program will be " PRAY WITHOUT CEASING".

welcome to our church letter

welcome to our church letter

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