women's day speeches at church

Looking for women's day speeches at church?

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During the occasion in the church.

We understand how urgent it is and we have made sure you have what you are looking for in place.

As you are looking forward to the women's day in the church and you are looking for information to help you during the event,we can at hand to assist you.

Here is a general speech that you can customize to suit during the day and as you scroll down we also have specific speeches for the women's day that can help you.

women's day speeches at church

Good morning to you all brethren in Christ

Let me take this opportunity to thank our heavenly Kings for granting us this opportunity to see this day that we have never seen in our lives, we give God glory and honor for the provisions,

It is my great pleasure to welcome you all to feel at Jesus feet and thank you for finding time to come and worship with us during this special day for our women in this church,

Let the love of God be with us as we begin until we finish for we trust that who started good work in us shall bring it to completion,

Stay blessed and God love you


Greetings in Jesus name


I'm humbled through the mercies of God to stand here today to give this special speech on behalf of women in this church,

Let me start by thanking our heavenly Father for allowing us to see this day and also thanking the church administration for making it possible for us to have a whole month dedicated to women.

I want to also thank the church and all families represented here for your prayers. It would not have been possible were it not for the prayers you offered to God.

We are very happy for programs we are having this month just conducted by women only.

I want to ask the while church to attend because we are going to be blessed together.

Let the love of God dwell in us richly as we fellowship together now and forever more.

Thank you for your time and God bless you 

women's day speeches at church -Specific speeches

baptist church women's day speeches

Here you will get speeches meant for the Baptist church as they celebrate the women's day in the church.

church women conference welcome speech

This speech is meant to welcome women to the conference, it is a welcome speech that inspired by the Holy Spirit

church occasion speech for women

This is a speech for the occasion, it serves well and anyone can use when called to prepare and give a speech during the occasion of the women in the church.

We hope the above speeches have served you well,

We keep on updating our site for more speeches and it is our pleasure to welcome you again to visit our speech regularly.

We know how precious time is to you,

We would love to help you. Are you interested to get a customized speech that fits the details you have of you church?

If so,

Then you can contact us after clicking and following this link ,church speech and poems writer,then you fill the details.

We shall contact you immediately and help you.

Otherwise may the Holy Spirit guide you as you prepare for the occasion that is ahead of you in the church.

We pray for the success from the Lord be upon all the activities that you have lined up during the day that is special in the church.

Let the grace of the Lord guide you to the truth,

Stay blessed and God love you, welcome again and feel free to share the information here with us,so that together we can feel fulfilled in the purpose of the Lord in this life.

women's day thank you speech in church

Ladies of Zion, I greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus.

I'm humbled through the mercies of our heavenly Father to give this thank you speech on behalf of the ladies of this church for the wonderful women's day that we have had today.

We want to say thank you to each and every one of the ladies in this church who played one of the other role of making sure the day was a success.

We want to thank the church at large for the prayers and the support that you have to the ladies of this church, your prayers and humble time went down to make the day a success.

As the ladies department of this church, we want also to thank the speakers of the day for the wonderful sermon that have given, it was uplifting and to the point, we pray to our Father who is heaven to continue filling you with wisdom and knowledge so that you can keep on speaking of the grace that many want to hear.

As we leave here today, May the love of God be with us always until the second coming of Jesus Christ.

Thank you


On behalf of women of this church and the daughters of Zion, we grateful for showing us love through this day that the church made it possible for us to have it.

We have seen the hand of God and want to praise God for everything.

Have never been blessed like today and our God has been good to us.

I want to take this opportunity to thank our pastor for allowing us to take charge of the programs, the support and the prayers played a big role in making sure the day was a success.

We want to our chairlady and the assistant for coordinating the activities to make sure they run smooth.

We thank the entire team of the women who participated in one or more areas to help the day progress well.

We lastly appreciate the guests who accepted to come and  to us, God really used you and we are grateful for bringing out the word of God in a way that many of us didn't know before, it was a complete new revelation. The Holy Spirit was at work.

As you go back take our greetings to the local congregation.

Otherwise we are grateful for this day and let us all be blessed.

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