Youth speeches for church welcome

Here are the youth speeches for church welcome in an occasion a head of you that will be help in the church.

Finding ready to use sample speeches is not easy. We have taken an initiative to make it available for you so that you can save that precious time you value most in your life.

We are here for you and a partner with the journey in the progress journey, in our pages we have inspirational youth speeches to help you.

We thank God for allowing you to visiting our page for sample speeches for an event soon to be held in the youth organized by the youth department.

If you are the youth leader in the church or the youth director, we have a speech for you to guide during the occasion.

As you already know when it comes to church speeches for any occasion we depend on the Holy spirit to guide us on what to do.

You need to know that you are already inspired by God to be in the vineyard and help in spreading the gospel.

Look at the sample speech below here for the youth day or occasion.

Youth speeches for church welcome -sample #1

I greet you in the name of the Lord Jesus,good morning,

What a joy to have you attending this occasion in our church that is organized by the youths. We have been praying for this days and want to thank God for enabling us to be here today.

Our youths in the church have planned well and they have a lot of activities that would make us not only enjoy the day but shall align ourselves to the love of God.

Let us together give God glory and honor for everything and we know that all worked well for those who love the Lord.

As we celebrate together today what the Lord has done to us through our youths in the church we know that God is with us and will never leave nor forsake.

Let me take the earliest opportunity to welcome you all and feel at the Jesus feet.

During this day we know that God is going to be manifested in us and His glory shall be seen.

Thank you and God bless you.

Hope the youth speeches for church welcome free sample above will guide and help you compose a speech for your church during the youth day. 

We hope the  above sample occasion speech for youth day will serve the purpose.

You already know your congregation and what they love most.

Choose words that can inspire them and uplift their souls that is heavy laden.The purpose of having such wonderful activities and events in the church is to keep building our faith as we await the second coming of Jesus and also help to overcome the world temptations.

Our site is tailored towards making sure your church get the materials it needs ready and be used immediately.

If you don't find it here then just know we are producing it and soon it will be here.

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Otherwise stay blessed in the Lord because the He loves us all.

church youth chairman speech

I greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus,

Allow me thank our heavenly Father for what He has done to the church and more so to our youths,

As the chairman of the youths in this church, I want to take this opportunity to welcome you all to this occasion in our church that happens once a year.

We want to thank the church for the support accorded to the youth department and the church in general for the prayers.

Let the love of God be with you always as we fellowship together.

Thank you and God bless you all for finding time to come and grace this occasion.

Stay blessed.

church youth coordinator speech

Below is another youth speeches for church welcome from the youth coordinator.

I greet you in the name of Jesus,Maranatha

Feel at Jesus' feet ,

It has been a long journey but let me thank the Lord for making it possible to be here today, were it not for the love of God we would have not seen this day.

You gave me the responsibility of coordinating the youth department and want to thank God for the grace.

All the activities have gone smooth and may the name of the Lord Jesus be lifted up.

Thank you and God bless you all.

church opening address for  teen's day

Greetings in Jesus name!

I'm humbled to stand before you during this day as I welcome each and every one you this wonderful day in our church, it's teen's day when we celebrate our young adults who are growing to be women and men in our church.

Thank you for finding time to be here, we are here to thank God  for His mercies and we know that there is a lot that our teens in our church have prepared.

Before I welcome their leader to come and give an official speech as well as tell us what they have prepared and have in store for us.

May the love of God be with you.

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